How can I have a color palette based on three slider inputs in R Shiny and Leaflet

The sliders work well, but I want to add a color scale from 1 to 5. All three sliders are on the same scale. Obviously I can do for one, but I would like to do one legend for all three sliders. Thank you very much, any contribution would be appreciated.

sora= readxl::read_excel('D:/0_ATI_HIDRICA_POOPO/11_NUEVO_ANALISIS/1_DATOS/2_CONSOLIDADO_SIMOVH_2016_2019_F.xls','1_SORA_SHINY')
ui <- bootstrapPage(
tags$style(type = "text/css", "html,body {width:100%;height:100%}"),
leafletOutput("uniSmap", width = "100%", height = "100%"),
absolutePanel(top = 50,right = 50,sliderInput("satisfaction","PH",min(sora$PHValor), max(sora$PHValor),value = range(sora$PHValor), step = 1)),
absolutePanel(top = 200,right = 50,sliderInput("ranking","Aluminio",min(sora$CEValor), max(sora$CEValor),value = range(sora$CEValor), step = 1)),
absolutePanel(top = 350,right = 50,sliderInput("cadmio","Turbiedad",min(sora$TURBValor), max(sora$TURBValor),value = range(sora$TURBValor), step = 1)),

absolutePanel(bottom = 10,left = 10,"Satisfaction Map 2016" ))

server <- function(input, output, session) {
#filteredData <- reactive({sora[sora$PH >= input$range[1] & sora$PH <= input$range[2],]})

#filteredData <- reactive({sora[sora$PH>= input$satisfaction[1] & sora$PH <= input$satisfaction[2]

&sora$AL >= input$ranking[1]& sora$AL <= input$ranking[2],]})

filteredData <- reactive({sora %>%
filter(sora$PHValor >= input$satisfaction[1] &
sora$PHValor <= input$satisfaction[2] &
sora$CEValor >= input$ranking[1] &
sora$CEValor <= input$ranking[2]&
sora$TURBValor >= input$cadmio[1]&
sora$TURBValor <= input$cadmio[2])})

output$uniSmap <- renderLeaflet({
leaflet(sora) %>%
addTiles() %>%
fitBounds(~min(Long), ~min(Lat),
~max(Long), ~max(Lat))

  pal <- colorNumeric(palette = "YlOrRd",domain = filteredData@data$sora)
leafletProxy("uniSmap", data = filteredData()) %>%
  clearShapes() %>% 
  clearPopups() %>% 
  clearMarkers() %>%
  addCircles(color = ~pal,radius =500,fillOpacity = 1)
  #addMarkers(lat = ~Lat, lng = ~Long, label =~Codigo )

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)