How can I find readxl and Rcpp files that I downloaded in the Drive C?

I downloaded readxl and Rcpp from They've been downloaded to drive C - C:\Users\PC\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpCwI2AP\downloaded_packages

It was after downloading that I saw that my drive C is almost full. I want to find and delete the files but I can't find them.
I'm a beginner so any help is much appreciated.

I believe AppData is a hidden folder. This is how I would get there on my Windows 10 system. Open any folder and navigate to C:\Users\PC. Near the top of the folder window on the left, there are choices for File, Home, Share, View. Click on View. Along the ribbon near the top there is a checkbox for Hidden Items. Select that and you should see the AppData folder. You can then navigate down from there.

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