How can I delete a file from my SFTP server using the {curl} package in R

Hi all,

This is a cross post from How can I delete a file from my SFTP server using the {curl} package in R - Stack Overflow

I am trying to delete a file on an SFTP server using the curl package in R, but I fail

PackageVersion('curl'): # 5.2.0

  url = "sftp://username:password@server-ip-address", 
  handle = curl::new_handle() |> 
      verbose = TRUE,
      customrequest = "rm files/my_file.txt"

I also tried using customrequest = "DELETE files/my_file.txt" but nothing

To check if it works in the command line tool curl

In Powershell, the below works fine

curl sftp://username:password@server-ip-address -Q 'rm files/my_file.txt'

Any help would be appreciated

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