How can I combine two separate Shiny Apps into one app via navbarPage and tabPanel?

I've recently completed all three portions of a Parking Enforcement App made in R Shiny. My hope is to combine all three portions (Citations, Appeals, and Chalking) into a single R app that I can share with others.

Somehow and thankfully, I've managed to combine the Citations and Chalking Portions together into a functional application (Citation and Chalk App).

Adding the Appeals portion (Appeals App) of the app to Citations and Chalking has been the real struggle. I keep ending up with blank plots and data tables without any errors or warnings listed in the log. I can't tell if I have too many or too few brackets / quotes, or maybe I've accidentally forgot to define an argument, or maybe I've mistakenly been assigning data to the same objects?

I would greatly appreciate if someone could give me guidance on how to add the Appeals portion of the app to the Citations and Chalking app where there is an "Appeals" tab with texting reading "WORK IN PROGRESS".

The R code for both apps and the necessary data sets are located here:
Github Link with Code and Data

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