I am rendering an RMarkdown document to PDF. I would like to add about a space of padding at the top and bottom of each code chunk (essentially, extend the grey outline/fill a little above and below the text). How can I achieve this?
My current YAML:
latex_engine: xelatex
highlight: kate
mainfont: Times New Roman
header-includes: \usepackage{xcolor}
I appreciate your help but I'm not sure I follow. This is rendering to pdf not html. Also would (if html?) effectively increase the whitespace around the chunk, not the grey box.
Bah, I grabbed the wrong version of a template—I know better, can't mix html and pdf. I can't think, then, of anything for it than to create a LaTeX macro to output one version of the chunk as formatted text and another to be both echoed and output. Probably a massive time sink.