Hi Posit Community!
My mind is blown right now by some behavior that I did not expect and do not understand.
I am using a function and it manages to modify a dataframe that is not returned. I hypothesized that this was because it may have used the <<-
operator (which I am only vaguely aware of) and thus attempted to duplicate the dataframe. But both dataframes are nonetheless changed by the function. And I do not see a global assignment in the function code.
- How does this assignment happen?? This violates my weak understanding of scoping/ environments.
- Why did my attempt to duplicate the dataframe not preserve one unedited copy? That is, why are both tmp_charlson_orig and tmp_charlson changed by the call to comorbidity::score? Even if
changes thetmp_charlson
, why isn't tmp_charlson_orig preserved? Why isn't tmp_charlson_orig still a vector of 1s?
Thank you so much!
``` r
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
sample_people <- 5
sample_codes <- 1e4
icd9_df <- data.frame(
id = sample(1:sample_people, size = sample_codes, replace = TRUE),
code = comorbidity::sample_diag(n = sample_codes, version = "ICD9_2015") # default
tmp_charlson_orig <- comorbidity::comorbidity(
x = icd9_df,
id = "id",
code = "code",
map = "charlson_icd9_quan",
assign0 = FALSE
#> [1] 1 1 1 1 1
tmp_charlson <- tmp_charlson_orig
tmp_charlson_score <- comorbidity::score(
assign0 = TRUE,
weights = "quan"
identical(tmp_charlson_orig, tmp_charlson)
#> [1] TRUE
#> [1] 0 0 0 0 0
Created on 2024-10-04 with reprex v2.0.2
The code for comorbidity::score
> comorbidity::score
function (x, weights = NULL, assign0)
if (!inherits(x = x, what = "comorbidity")) {
stop("This function can only be used on an object of class 'comorbidity', which you can obtain by using the 'comorbidity()' function. See ?comorbidity for more details.",
call. = FALSE)
map <- attr(x, "map")
arg_checks <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
checkmate::assert_class(x, classes = "comorbidity", add = arg_checks)
checkmate::assert_string(weights, null.ok = TRUE, add = arg_checks)
if (!is.null(weights)) {
weights <- stringi::stri_trans_tolower(weights)
checkmate::assert_choice(weights, choices = names(.weights[[map]]),
null.ok = TRUE, add = arg_checks)
checkmate::assert_logical(assign0, add = arg_checks)
if (!arg_checks$isEmpty())
if (is.null(weights)) {
ww <- rep(1, length(.maps[[map]]))
names(ww) <- names(.maps[[map]])
else {
ww <- .weights[[map]][[weights]]
ww <- matrix(data = ww, ncol = 1)
x <- x[, names(.maps[[map]])]
if (assign0) {
x <- .assign0(x = x, map = map)
score <- as.matrix(x) %*% ww
score <- drop(score)
attr(score, "map") <- map
attr(score, "weights") <- weights
<bytecode: 0x5598bc665938>
<environment: namespace:comorbidity>
and the code for comorbidity:::.assign0
> comorbidity:::.assign0
function (x, map)
if (grepl("charlson", map)) {
x[msld == 1, `:=`(mld, 0)]
x[diabwc == 1, `:=`(diab, 0)]
x[metacanc == 1, `:=`(canc, 0)]
else if (grepl("elixhauser", map)) {
x[hypc == 1, `:=`(hypunc, 0)]
x[diabc == 1, `:=`(diabunc, 0)]
x[metacanc == 1, `:=`(solidtum, 0)]
<bytecode: 0x5598b99e5070>
<environment: namespace:comorbidity>