Housework center - Shiny Contest Submission

Housework center

Authors: Violeta Roizman

Abstract: Housework Center is an exercise to imagine a GitHub-like platform related to housework and care. It is inpired in the 'Show your work' chapter of the Data Feminism book. GitHub is an open source platform, a huge repository of (usually) unpaid work. As discussed in the book, all this free work has to be visible in some way. Therefore, the site is full of statistics about coders: the how much, the who and the when is depicted in multiple heatmaps, area and line charts. We mimic this concept this time with unpaid house and care work, usually done by women.

Full Description:

Housework Center is an exercise to imagine a GitHub-like platform related to housework and care.

It is inpired in the 'Show your work' chapter of the Data Feminism book where they discuss unpaid work and proper attribution to all the chain of the processes.

GitHub is an open source platform, a huge repository of (usually) unpaid work. As discussed in the book, all this free work has to be visible in some way. Therefore, the site is full of statistics about coders: the how much, the who and the when is depicted in multiple heatmaps, area and line charts. Even more, each project has a ranking of contributors. We mimic this concept this time with unpaid house and care work, usually done by women.

We include a main page where you can choose a country and a pronoun and see a representation of the average number of hours spent on unpaid work in a heatmap github like fashion.

You can also compare the different countries in the COMPARE page. Here you can select some rows of the dataset that will be highlighted in the scatterplot.

Keywords: gender, unpaid work, feminism, dataset exploration
Shiny app:
Repo: GitHub - violetr/housework: Housework Center Application
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud


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