Hourly Transit Service Patterns |> Table Contest

Hourly Transit Service Patterns

Authors: Tiffany Ku (Caltrans)

Full Description:
Have you ever been curious about transit service patterns in California? What would the operator typologies be for their hourly service patterns? These patterns may reveal who their primary customer base is. Service dedicated to commuters might have pronounced camel peaks during the AM and PM peak periods, while service dedicated to travelers tend to remain constant throughout the day.

The Caltrans Division of Data & Digital Services has a data warehouse that ingests the General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) files produced by transit operators. Let's take a look at a week in April 2024 and see how we can use the GTFS scheduled stop times table to compare how arrivals differ by hour of the day and see if we can make any regional comparisons.

This is a great use case for great_tables nanoplots! We want to see hourly stop arrivals for each operator's weekday and weekend service at-a-glance. The table summarizes all the operators in California, groups them by region (Caltrans District) and sorts the operators within each district by its weekly trip volume. Nanoplots are a great way to capture how varied transit service is in the 179 transit operators we have in our dataset.

Table Type: static-HTML
Submission Type: Single Table Example
Table: Transit Service in California
Code: GitHub - tiffanychu90/great-tables-contest: Good to great tables
Industries: Transportation / Transit / Public Sector.
Packages: pandas, polars, great-tables