I made a code to generate a dendrogram as you can see in the image, using the hclust
function. So, two things: first I would like to know if the code the way I did it is correct, second is that I would like help in the interpretation of this dendrogram. Note that the locations of these points are close. What does this dendrogram result I'm having mean, can you help me? For example, property 30 is isolated from the others, why? That kind of interpretation I would like.
Points_properties<-structure(list(Latitude = c(-24.781624, -24.775017, -24.769196,
-24.761741, -24.752019, -24.748008, -24.737312, -24.744718, -24.751996,
-24.724589, -24.8004, -24.796899, -24.795041, -24.780501, -24.763376,
-24.801715, -24.728005, -24.737845, -24.743485, -24.742601, -24.766422,
-24.767525, -24.775631, -24.792703, -24.790994, -24.787275, -24.795902,
-24.785587, -24.787558, -24.799524), Longitude = c(-49.937369,
-49.950576, -49.927608, -49.92762, -49.920608, -49.927707, -49.922095,
-49.915438, -49.910843, -49.899478, -49.901775, -49.89364, -49.925657,
-49.893193, -49.94081, -49.911967, -49.893358, -49.903904, -49.906435,
-49.927951, -49.939603, -49.941541, -49.94455, -49.929797, -49.92141,
-49.915141, -49.91042, -49.904772, -49.894034, -49.86651), cluster = c("1", "1",
"1", "1", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1",
"1", "2", "2", "2", "2", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1",
"1", "1")), row.names = c(NA, -30L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl",
plot (coordinates)
plot(fit.average,hang=-1,cex=.8, main = "")