Hide lines of code which are for formatting only

My q would be about that is there a suggested way to hide some part of your code, when you knit a document to HTML document? The motivation is that to format your r output sometimes I have to write totally irrelevant lines, which may make harder to understand the code for a reader. Knitr::kable, KableExtra or ggplot + themes(...) to mention a few. I would use .last.value, but it is not available, maybe if output.of.previous.chunk or something would be reasonable if it would exist. Do you know any useful practice?

cars # would be nice as enclosed code
#>    speed dist
#> 1      4    2
#> 2      4   10
#> 3      7    4
#> 4      7   22
#> 5      8   16
#> 6      9   10
#> 7     10   18
#> 8     10   26
#> 9     10   34
#> 10    11   17
#> 11    11   28
#> 12    12   14
#> 13    12   20
#> 14    12   24
#> 15    12   28
#> 16    13   26
#> 17    13   34
#> 18    13   34
#> 19    13   46
#> 20    14   26
#> 21    14   36
#> 22    14   60
#> 23    14   80
#> 24    15   20
#> 25    15   26
#> 26    15   54
#> 27    16   32
#> 28    16   40
#> 29    17   32
#> 30    17   40
#> 31    17   50
#> 32    18   42
#> 33    18   56
#> 34    18   76
#> 35    18   84
#> 36    19   36
#> 37    19   46
#> 38    19   68
#> 39    20   32
#> 40    20   48
#> 41    20   52
#> 42    20   56
#> 43    20   64
#> 44    22   66
#> 45    23   54
#> 46    24   70
#> 47    24   92
#> 48    24   93
#> 49    24  120
#> 50    25   85

  caption = 'Extra long caption to make everything clear',
  align = c('c', 'c')  # Formatting the table for a nice output, but makes it harder to read the capture the important part of the code'
Extra long caption to make everything clear
speed dist
4 2
4 10
7 4
7 22
8 16
9 10
10 18
10 26
10 34
11 17
11 28
12 14
12 20
12 24
12 28
13 26
13 34
13 34
13 46
14 26
14 36
14 60
14 80
15 20
15 26
15 54
16 32
16 40
17 32
17 40
17 50
18 42
18 56
18 76
18 84
19 36
19 46
19 68
20 32
20 48
20 52
20 56
20 64
22 66
23 54
24 70
24 92
24 93
24 120
25 85

Created on 2020-12-26 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Thank you for your answer in advance & merry Christmas,

Not sure I understand which part you want to hide. If it's the kable() part, you can simply put it in a separate chunk with option echo=FALSE. So something like:

# Normal chunk with computations are displayed
cars2 <- mtcars[1:5,1:2]

```{r echo = FALSE}
# the code in that chunk is not printed, but the results are

Also, if you want to execute and show code, but without showing (printing) the results, you can use results='hide', for example:

```{r results='hide'}
cars2 <- mtcars[1:5,1:2]

```{r echo = FALSE}

Yeah, I know about this kind of solution, but I want to avoid creating new variable to do that

Then I don't understand your question. What is the new variable?

If you talk about cars2 in my code, that was just to demonstrate with some operation. What is the problem with this:

```{r eval=FALSE}

```{r echo = FALSE}
  caption = 'Extra long caption to make everything clear',
  align = c('c', 'c')  # Formatting the table for a nice output, but makes it harder to read the capture the important part of the code'

I am also not sure to have understand what you want to do exactly but regarding

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