Help with Quarto Dashboard Layout

Hello, seeking help with formatting a quarto dashboard. my goal is to have the layout for each phylum have an order appear beneath it and then in each order have section that spans all columns and then have another row be .tabset with two species, see picture of goal_layout. however when i try and replicate the code for phylum2 the species move next to the order not underneath. what am i mixing up?


row {.tabset}

phylum 1

row {.tabset}

order 1
row {.tabset}

####### species 1

####### species 2

order 2
row {.tabset}

####### species 1

####### species 2

phylum 2

row {.tabset}

order 1
row {.tabset}

####### species 1

####### species 2

order 2
row {.tabset}

####### species 1

####### species 2