Help with iteration -missing results

for (i in seq(6000,6100,by=10 ))
  for (j in seq(206,216,by=1)
    if (i/j <=29.25)

are you asking how to assign your calculated values to a name ?
you can make an empty list and append to it.
You have some issues to address first

  1. lack of a closing brace on the for condition of the j loop (i..e your code as presented does not run)
  2. is the break in the right place / set up correctly.? as it is it makes the j loop redundant as only the first j value would be assessed, did you miss an else condition ?
2 .Only the first j are asseded
1] "29.126" "---"    "6000"   "206"   
[1] "29.175" "---"    "6010"   "206"   
[1] "29.223" "---"    "6020"   "206"

Because your break