Help with Error Message - RStudio newbie

Hello, I'm having an annoying error on my RStudio platform. Yesterday, I created an object that worked smoothly. I even managed to get some boxplots for this object and they looked great. Today, I'm reloading the script and I'm getting this error:

Error in ff(initdata = initdata, vmode = vmode, dim = dim, pattern = file.path(ldPath(), :
r_ff_new write error

The code is as follows:
idat_GDA <- readIdatFiles(sampleSheet = NULL,
arrayNames = NULL,
ids = NULL,
path = "/Users/mayri/Documents//GDA_Data/",
arrayInfoColNames = list(barcode = "SentrixBarcode_A",
position = "SentrixPosition_A"),
highDensity = FALSE,
sep = "_",
fileExt = list(green = "Grn.idat", red = "Red.idat"),
saveDate = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE)

I know for a fact the code works because I used it yesterday and didn't modify anything today. What do I do? ;-;

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