Help with codes

hey guys i am very new to this community and have no clue how any of this works yet.

i am trying run mincer zarnowitz regression test,loss function score tests ,modiefied diebold mariano tests and loss function convergence tests in R. but have not a clue as to how to begin with this.

any help will be highly appreciated

Hi, welcome to the forum.

It would help us to see what you have already tried. I think we need a FAQ: How to do a minimal reproducible example ( reprex ) for beginners.

In particular we likely need some sample data. A handy way to supply some sample data is the dput() function. In the case of a large dataset something like dput(head(mydata, 100)) should supply the data we need.

i am an absolute beginner and do not know the first thing about r. i was hoping someone would perhpas show me a way to learn how to do these tests in r.

i am an absolute beginner and do not know the first thing about r.

There are a number of books and tutorials available. A very highly regarded one is . I'd suggest reading a bit, playing around with a few examples and then asking questions here as you go.

i was hoping someone would perhpas show me a way to learn how to do these tests in r.

Well, with a bit more detail of the problem someone might be able to help but you really need to know a bit about R to ask the question and understand the answer. :slightly_smiling_face:

Once you know o bit about R, try googling " R Statistics mincer zarnowitz regression test" see what you understand/don't understand and come back for more specific help.

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