help with code about excel spreadsheet


I'm a complete beginner with R.

Here is what I want to do using R:

I have an excel spreadsheet that is having multiple columns. Each column has number or string values.
I want to count the frequencies of each column value (like a frequency table) and print out the top 3 most used values of each column.

I have no idea where to'start to do this.

Would anybody be so kind to write code to do this (in an easy way)?

Thanks so much!!!


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Hi @therainbowgirly welcome!

Don't panic, to achieve what you want you can follow these steps:

# install packages and load data

# load the packages

# Read Excel file into a data frame
data_excel <- read_excel("D:\\Desktop\\excel_data.xlsx", sheet = "Sheet1") # Change you path

## Example of data
data_excel <- data.frame(
  A = c("apple", "banana", "apple", "apple", "banana", "orange", "apple", "banana", "orange", "orange"),
  B = c(1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 1),
  C = c("red", "red", "blue", "green", "red", "green", "blue", "red", "green", "blue"))

# Define a function to calculate the top 3 most frequent values in a column
get_top_frequencies <- function(column) {
  column %>%
    as.factor() %>%               # Convert column to factor (useful for counting levels)
    table() %>%                   # Count frequency of each value
    sort(decreasing = TRUE) %>%   # Sort in descending order of frequency
    head(3)                       # Get top 3 most frequent values

# Apply the function to each column and store results in a list
top_values <- lapply(data_excel , get_top_frequencies)


# $A.
# apple banana orange 
#    4      3      3 
# $B
# 1 2 3 
# 4 3 3 
# $C
# red  blue green 
#  4     3     3


# For get a friendly output, use this:
results_df <- data.frame(Column = character(), 
                         Value = character(), 
                         Frequency = integer(), 
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Loop through each column in the data frame
for(col_name in names(data_excel)) {
  # Get the top 3 most frequent values for the current column
  top_vals <- get_top_frequencies(data_excel[[col_name]])
  # Create a temporary data frame with the results
  temp_df <- data.frame(
    Column = col_name,
    Value = names(top_vals),
    Frequency = as.integer(top_vals),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  # Bind the temporary data frame to the results data frame
  results_df <- bind_rows(results_df, temp_df)}

# Column  Value Frequency
#   A   apple          4
#   A   banana         3
#   A   orange         3
#   B      1           4
#   B      2           3
#   B      3           3
#   C    red           4
#   C    blue          3
#   C   green          3

### Table

results_df <- results_df |> tibble()

gt_tbl <- gt(results_df)

gt_tbl <- 
  gt_tbl |>
    title = "Frecuecy table",
    subtitle = "The top (edited)") |> 
  tab_source_note(source_note = "caption: you_data")


Thanks so much!
I think I understand it and will try it on my file.

Can I maybe ask if there is a way to put the output in a sort of nice drawing or table (maybe HTML?) or anything possible for this?


I tried to run it, but the table is just showing this (nothing inside).
Do you know why?


Also there seems to be no data inside results_df

> results_df
[1] Column    Value     Frequency
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

So I now have this test code (this is my file). Do you see any mistake?

# install packages and load data
### Table

# load the packages

# Read Excel file into a data frame
# data_excel <- read_excel("F:\\a\\games.xlsx", sheet = 1) # Change you path

## Example of data
data_excel <- data.frame(
  A = c("apple", "banana", "apple", "apple", "banana", "orange", "apple", "banana", "orange", "orange"),
  B = c(1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 1),
  C = c("red", "red", "blue", "green", "red", "green", "blue", "red", "green", "blue"))

# Define a function to calculate the top 3 most frequent values in a column
get_top_frequencies <- function(column) {
  column %>%
    as.factor() %>%               # Convert column to factor (useful for counting levels)
    table() %>%                   # Count frequency of each value
    sort(decreasing = TRUE) %>%   # Sort in descending order of frequency
    head(3)                       # Get top 3 most frequent values

# For get a friendly output, use this:
results_df <- data.frame(Column = character(), 
                         Value = character(), 
                         Frequency = integer(), 
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Loop through each column in the data frame
for(col_name in names(df)) {
  # Get the top 3 most frequent values for the current column
  top_vals <- get_top_frequencies(df[[col_name]])
  # Create a temporary data frame with the results
  temp_df <- data.frame(
    Column = col_name,
    Value = names(top_vals),
    Frequency = as.integer(top_vals),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  # Bind the temporary data frame to the results data frame
  results_df <- bind_rows(results_df, temp_df)}

# Column  Value Frequency
#   A   apple          4
#   A   banana         3
#   A   orange         3
#   B      1           4
#   B      2           3
#   B      3           3
#   C    red           4
#   C    blue          3
#   C   green          3

results_df <- results_df |> tibble()

gt_tbl <- gt(results_df)

gt_tbl <- 
  gt_tbl |>
    title = "Frecuecy table",
    subtitle = "The top (edited)") |> 
  tab_source_note(source_note = "caption: you_data")


Hi, sorry I'm not change the df for data_excel. Please try again. Im make the corrections.

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Thanks so much, it's working exactly how I want! :slight_smile:

Is there a way to save the HTML table to a file by using code? I now use the R studio 'save webpage' feature for this.

Of course you can save as an html, word and pdf report.
For that you can use Rmarkdown. Here you can see how to do it.

Fast learn rmd

In short, you must run by code blocks and at the end knit as html.

Is it maybe possible to give code example that works with the previous code you gave me?
I don't understand what to do :frowning:

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