Help with an error when using a Tidy Tuesday example

There is a fantastic Tidy Tuesday blog post by Julia Silge in October of 2022 called " Find high FREX and high lift words for TidyTuesday Stranger Things dialogue". The code is all there, and in a video Julia walks through creating and using the script. All excellent. My problem is that when I copy and run the code in Rstudio I get an error about using "frex" with matrix =. I can't seem to track down a solution. Here is all the code, up to and including where the error occurs.

Does anyone have an idea of why this works in the video but not when I try to run in Rstudio? Appreciate any help becuase this looks like a great addition to text mining. Thanks Julia, and thanks for any suggestions.

episodes_raw <- read_csv('')
#> Rows: 32519 Columns: 8
#> ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Delimiter: ","
#> chr  (3): raw_text, stage_direction, dialogue
#> dbl  (3): season, episode, line
#> time (2): start_time, end_time
#> ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
#> ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

dialogue <-
  episodes_raw %>%
  filter(! %>%
  mutate(season = paste0("season", season))

#> # A tibble: 26,041 × 8
#>    season  episode  line raw_text                stage…¹ dialo…² start…³ end_t…⁴
#>    <chr>     <dbl> <dbl> <chr>                   <chr>   <chr>   <time>  <time> 
#>  1 season1       1     9 [Mike] Something is co… [Mike]  Someth… 01'44"  01'48" 
#>  2 season1       1    10 A shadow grows on the … <NA>    A shad… 01'48"  01'52" 
#>  3 season1       1    11 -It is almost here. -W… <NA>    It is … 01'52"  01'54" 
#>  4 season1       1    12 What if it's the Demog… <NA>    What i… 01'54"  01'56" 
#>  5 season1       1    13 Oh, Jesus, we're so sc… <NA>    Oh, Je… 01'56"  01'59" 
#>  6 season1       1    14 It's not the Demogorgo… <NA>    It's n… 01'59"  02'00" 
#>  7 season1       1    15 An army of troglodytes… <NA>    An arm… 02'00"  02'02" 
#>  8 season1       1    16 -Troglodytes? -Told ya… [chuck… Troglo… 02'02"  02'05" 
#>  9 season1       1    18 [softly] Wait a minute. [softl… Wait a… 02'08"  02'09" 
#> 10 season1       1    19 Did you hear that?      <NA>    Did yo… 02'10"  02'12" 
#> # … with 26,031 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹​stage_direction,
#> #   ²​dialogue, ³​start_time, ⁴​end_time



tidy_dialogue <-
  dialogue %>%
  unnest_tokens(word, dialogue)

#> # A tibble: 143,885 × 8
#>    season  episode  line raw_text                  stage…¹ start…² end_t…³ word 
#>    <chr>     <dbl> <dbl> <chr>                     <chr>   <time>  <time>  <chr>
#>  1 season1       1     9 [Mike] Something is comi… [Mike]  01'44"  01'48"  some…
#>  2 season1       1     9 [Mike] Something is comi… [Mike]  01'44"  01'48"  is   
#>  3 season1       1     9 [Mike] Something is comi… [Mike]  01'44"  01'48"  comi…
#>  4 season1       1     9 [Mike] Something is comi… [Mike]  01'44"  01'48"  some…
#>  5 season1       1     9 [Mike] Something is comi… [Mike]  01'44"  01'48"  hung…
#>  6 season1       1     9 [Mike] Something is comi… [Mike]  01'44"  01'48"  for  
#>  7 season1       1     9 [Mike] Something is comi… [Mike]  01'44"  01'48"  blood
#>  8 season1       1    10 A shadow grows on the wa… <NA>    01'48"  01'52"  a    
#>  9 season1       1    10 A shadow grows on the wa… <NA>    01'48"  01'52"  shad…
#> 10 season1       1    10 A shadow grows on the wa… <NA>    01'48"  01'52"  grows
#> # … with 143,875 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹​stage_direction,
#> #   ²​start_time, ³​end_time



tidy_dialogue %>%
  count(season, word, sort = TRUE) %>%
  bind_log_odds(season, word, n) %>%
  filter(n > 20) %>%
  group_by(season) %>%
  slice_max(log_odds_weighted, n = 10) %>%
  mutate(word = reorder_within(word, log_odds_weighted, season)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(log_odds_weighted, word, fill = season)) +
  geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
  facet_wrap(vars(season), scales = "free") +
  scale_y_reordered() +
  labs(y = NULL)


dialogue_sparse <-
  tidy_dialogue %>%
  mutate(document = paste(season, episode, sep = "_")) %>%
  count(document, word) %>%
  filter(n > 5) %>%
  cast_sparse(document, word, n)

#> [1]  34 562


#> stm v1.3.6 successfully loaded. See ?stm for help. 
#>  Papers, resources, and other materials at
topic_model <- stm(dialogue_sparse, K = 5, verbose = FALSE)

#> A topic model with 5 topics, 34 documents and a 562 word dictionary.
#> Topic 1 Top Words:
#>       Highest Prob: you, i, the, to, a, and, it 
#>       FREX: max, mean, they're, i'm, don't, i, know 
#>       Lift: dart, clarke, mr, soon, better, duck, mistakes 
#>       Score: girlfriend, max, dart, duck, mr, building, kline's 
#> Topic 2 Top Words:
#>       Highest Prob: you, i, the, a, to, it, and 
#>       FREX: he's, let, we, he, go, us, what 
#>       Lift: flayer, party, fact, flayed, children, hold, tied 
#>       Score: flayer, ice, cherry, says, bob, key, code 
#> Topic 3 Top Words:
#>       Highest Prob: you, i, the, to, a, and, that 
#>       FREX: eddie, as, only, chrissy, make, has, much 
#>       Lift: ray, being, boobies, california, dad, deal, death 
#>       Score: ray, eddie, only, chrissy, try, had, vecna 
#> Topic 4 Top Words:
#>       Highest Prob: you, i, the, to, it, a, and 
#>       FREX: go, mike, come, jonathan, on, okay, get 
#>       Lift: jonathan, gone, jingle, kids, terry, answer, blood 
#>       Score: christmas, jonathan, copy, jingle, gone, bell, scoops 
#> Topic 5 Top Words:
#>       Highest Prob: you, i, the, to, a, what, it 
#>       FREX: will, mom, lucas, murderer, barb, he, know 
#>       Lift: demogorgon, shut, chug, missing, weird, probably, threeonefive 
#>       Score: threeonefive, mom, barb, lucas, murderer, hopper, sunflower

tidy(topic_model, matrix = "beta") %>%
  group_by(topic) %>%
  slice_max(beta, n = 10, ) %>%
  mutate(rank = row_number()) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(-beta) %>%
    names_from = "topic", 
    names_glue = "topic {.name}",
    values_from = term
  ) %>%
  select(-rank) %>%
topic 1 topic 2 topic 3 topic 4 topic 5
you you you you you
i i i i i
the the the the the
to a to to to
a to a it a
and it and a what
it and that and it
that what it is and
what that is go that
it’s we we this is


tidy(topic_model, matrix = "frex") %>%
  group_by(topic) %>%
  slice_max(beta, n = 10, ) %>%
  mutate(rank = row_number()) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(-beta) %>%
    names_from = "topic", 
    names_glue = "topic {.name}",
    values_from = term
  ) %>%
  select(-rank) %>%
#> Error in match.arg(matrix): 'arg' should be one of "beta", "gamma", "theta"

Created on 2022-12-18 with reprex v2.0.2

frex isnt available yet on the cran version of tidytext.

you can install the development version from GitHub with remotes:


Well, there it is. Thanks nigrahamuk. I was scratching my head so much over this one that I made a hole.

Maybe there is still something more? After I ran the "install_github("juliasilge/tidytext")" command without error, and then reran the code, I now get this error at the same location in the code:

Error in slice_max():
! Problem while computing indices.
:information_source: The error occurred in group 1: topic = 1.
Caused by error:
! order_by must be a vector, not a function.

I'm afraid the hole will turn into a pit.

I guess that the slice_max fails because there is no beta column , so it thinks you are asking it to use the beta function. By analogy of the previous code, perhaps the column is now frex rather than beta

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