Hello Beverly,
Welcome to the forum, I'm confident you will find It to be a helpful resource.
Appreciating that you are new, you might not be aware of best practices around asking questions (to maximise your chance of getting high quality answers); this is completely understandable, so I will try to help you first by guiding you towards a better posting.
I think it is unclear to the reader how the screenshot table you shared relates to the code you shared.
Given that your title relates to a box plot, I'm suprised your code doesnt contain mention of a relevent geom, it seems to be intending to plot a bar chart with geom_bar. Can you clarify this point ?
Also we can not run your code to try solutions, as we lack your assassination.csv.
Please consider making a reprex of either data, or data1 whatever is more convenient for you, or by inventing example data.