Same Code ,
Displays normally for a while, and displays abnormally for a while.
Thank you very much!
can you define/explain 'abnormally' in this context ?
First of all, Thank you very much for responding me.
Then, I have finished the problem by ,
put thie from server
into UI directly
Thanks again, and this solusion reference for everyone, Thanks
opps, I have another question, I'm sorry to bother you again.
I used
column(4, selectInput("selectedvariable","Select a variable:", names(data)[6:16]))
when I want to plot by ggplot2
output$ggplot2Group2 <- renderPlot({
g2 <- ggplot(data = speciesGgplot1(),aes(x=OBSWEEK,y=input$selectedvariable,group = COUNTY,color=COUNTY,shape=COUNTY))+
legend.position = "bottom",
) +
the plot is wrong, could you please hepl me? Thanks!
why the Y values goes wrong?
Use aes_string rather than aes
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