Help, tips to convert shiny app to shiny for python,

situation: i have a working shiny app (with eg; a linear regression function in)
What i want : create a shiny for python app (ui is no problem, but the backend(server) is a problem

  1. is it possible to do without that i have to build the model completly again from scratch in python?
  2. how is the code looking for lm and predict in python?
    3 is there good documentation on?
    4 is shiny for R (so you can run the app in a browser), completly deactivated, i can not reach the site to do so like before?
    Kind regards and thx for your time,

Hi @NobelRobin -

Yes, but you have to think about the architecture slightly differently. In this case, you could serve the R model using vetiver, which will take the R model object and make it an API that the Python Shiny app would call.

I'm not quite sure what you're asking for the other questions, but in general, Shiny for R will always continue to exist. Shiny for Python is incremental to, not a replacement of Shiny for R.


Hey Randy,
Thx for your reply. What I mean with question 4 is see picture
it 's about Shiny examples

Kind regards,

You can also run R in python using rpy2: Calling R From Python With rpy2 · R Views it would probably complicate deployment, but it is possible and might be simplest depending how complicated your model is.

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