I'm trying to build a script that can quickly scrape the game stats from custom games I've played with my friends in Destiny 2. We're finding it fun to keep our own personal game history and stats for bragging rights (e.g., who has the highest KD, who beats who most often, etc.). I can't get the tables on bnet to read in, though. The URL to a game is here: Bungie.net
If I check in Firefox's web developer tools, it looks like this table is called "class=.Pgcr_statTable__1fKvr table"
I've tried the following code, but can't read it in: url=read_html("https://www.bungie.net/7/en/Pgcr/14493540413") |> html_nodes(".Pgcr_statTable__1fKvr table")
Any suggestions?