Help is needed to use apply (or similar) to update values from one dataframe to many.


# Input test data

Component2 <- data.frame(
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
  Component_Product_Code = c("Component6",
                Quantity = c(1L, 2L, 4L, 28L, 90L),
        Wastage_Quantity = c(0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L),
               Unit_Cost = c(127.2, 112.02, 23.33, 0.0342, 0.0453),
              Total_Cost = c(127.2, 224.04, 93.32, 0.9576, 4.077),
       Can_Auto_Assemble = c("Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes"),
    Can_Auto_Disassemble = c("No", "No", "No", "No", "No"),
             IsObsoleted = c("No", "No", "No", "No", "No"),
         Expense_Account = c(NA, NA, NA, 51120L, 51120L),
                Comments = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)

Component9 <- data.frame(
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
  Component_Product_Code = c("Component11",
                Quantity = c(5L, 5L, 2L, 1L, 1L),
        Wastage_Quantity = c(0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L),
               Unit_Cost = c(107, 53, 49.3629, 55.3854, 134.186),
              Total_Cost = c(535, 265, 98.7258, 55.3854, 134.186),
       Can_Auto_Assemble = c("Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes"),
    Can_Auto_Disassemble = c("No", "No", "No", "No", "No"),
             IsObsoleted = c("No", "No", "No", "No", "No"),
         Expense_Account = c(51250L, 51244L, NA, NA, NA),
                Comments = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)

Updated_price_list <- data.frame(
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
  Assembled_Product_Code = c("Component14", "Component23"),
              Total_Cost = c(12.5396, 9.9738)

# I have many thousands of data.frames. Here, I have given two examples called Component2 and Component9.
# Each data frame has a column called Total_Cost that specifies costs of components that it is made of.
# For example, dataframe Component2 consists of Components6, 7, 8, 9 and 22 where the cost of each component is
# found in the Total_Cost column.
# I need to update the cost of components across the thousands of dataframes according to information in a
# dataframe called Updated_price_list.
# I have given an example of Updated_price_list that contains the costs of only two components - 14 and 23.
# Dataframe Component9 contains component14. The cost of component14 needs to be updated from the price-list.
# For example, it needs to change from 55.3854 to 12.5396.
# Dataframe Component9 does not contain component 23, nor does Component2 contain either component 14 or 23,
# so no change is needed.
# I am working on a solution that uses lapply and a function.

# Placing the data frames into a list.
List <- list(Component2, Component9)

# Making a function to update the Total_Cost column. 
Search_replace <- function(x){
  (x$Component_Product_Code == Updated_price_list$Assembled_Product_Code)
  x$Component_Product_Code <- Updated_price_list$Assembled_Product_Code

# Using lapply to update each data frame.
Updated_dataframes <- (lapply(List, Search_replace))

# However, this leads to errors.
# Your help in advance would be very much appreciated.

i think its

# Making a function to update the Total_Cost column. 
Search_replace <- function(x){
                     y=Updated_price_list %>% rename("Component_Product_Code"="Assembled_Product_Code"),
                     unmatched = "ignore")

Updated_dataframes <- (lapply(List, Search_replace))

Thanks, nigrahamuk for this solution.

However, it returns an error when I run it on the reprex.

Error in dplyr::rows_update():
! ... must be empty.
x Problematic argument:
• unmatched = "ignore"
Run rlang::last_error() to see where the error occurred.

Also, I think the lapply line needs to be "lapply(List, Search_replace)" rather than "Updated_dataframes <- (lapply(List, Search_replace))" as I'm expecting the dataframes to be updated in place (ie. in the Global Environment). Is this correct?

Hello again nirgrahamuk - I've been investigating the operation of the rows_update function from library(dplyr). I have found that if all the values in y are not in x, then an error is generated that is not corrected by the inclusion of the unmatched = ignore command. I've pasted some output below to illustrate this. Best, Jenny

Component_Product_Code Dummy_Cost Can_Auto_Disassemble Total_Cost
1 Component34 5.79 No 5.79
2 Component24 6.97 No 6.97
3 Component14 7.97 No 7.97
Component_Product_Code Total_Cost
1 Component14 12.5396
2 Component23 9.9738
rows_update(Component_test, Updated_price_list)
Matching, by = "Component_Product_Code"
Error in rows_update():
! Attempting to update missing rows.
Run rlang::last_error() to see where the error occurred.

rows_update(Component_test, Updated_price_list, unmatched = "ignore")
Error in rows_update():
! ... must be empty.
x Problematic argument:
• unmatched = "ignore"
Run rlang::last_error() to see where the error occurred.

I think I've solved the issues, by using rows_upsert instead. This avoids the intersection error of rows_insert. Also, I have found that the argument "unmatched = ignore" is not needed, neither is the argument "by="Component_Product_Code".

The function is now
Search_replace <- function(x){
y= Updated_price_list %>% rename("Component_Product_Code"="Assembled_Product_Code"),

I will need to remove spurious rows from some updated tables. If rows in y are not present in x, then rows_upsert appends the rows from y onto the bottom of the updated table.

Thanks for getting me started on the search for the solution to my original problem. Best, Jenny

Your issue here is strange, it may reflect a problem with version numbers of the packages underlying your tidyverse installation, or perhaps a curiosity in the orderthat functions are loaded that causes weirdness through conflicts.
The prototypical example of the functionality I demonstrated might be

(myx <- data.frame(key=1,value=0))
(myy <- data.frame(key=c(1,2),value=c(2,2)))

# Matching, by = "key"
# Error in `dplyr::rows_update()`:
# ! `y` must contain keys that already exist in `x`.
# i The following rows in `y` have keys that don't exist in `x`: `c(2)`.
# i Use `unmatched = "ignore"` if you want to ignore these `y` rows.

# fixed
                   unmatched = "ignore")
# Matching, by = "key"
#  key value
# 1   1     2
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Hi again Nirgrahamuk - Thanks for your reply. I was running dplyr v 1.0.8. When I upgraded to v 1.0.9, I was able to duplicate your example. Seems my problem is solved. Thanks for your help. Best, Jenny

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