Help adding percentatges to a barplot with ggplot2 (Error: `mapping` must be created by `aes()`)

I had a problem adding percentatges to a barplot with ggplot2
I was trying this code:
ggplot(TFM, aes(x=EmbryoQuality, y=prop.table(stat(count)), fill=Group, label=scales::percent(prop.table(stat(count))))) + geom_bar(position=position_dodge2()) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + geom_text(stat_count, position = position_dodge2(.9), vjust=1.6, color="white", size=3.5) + scale_y_continuous(label= scales::percent) + labs(x=EmbryoQuality, y=Percentatges, fill = Group)

And this one:
ggplot(TFMqb, aes(label=EmbryoQuality, fill=Group)) + geom_bar(stat_identity, position=position_dodge2()) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + geom_text(aes(label=EmbryoQuality), vjust=1.6, color="white", size=3.5)

And I was receiving either one of this messages:

  • Error: mapping must be created by aes(),

  • geom_text requires the following missing aesthetics: y,

  • stat_count() can only have an x or y aesthetic.


ggplot(TFMqe, aes(x= EmbryoQuality,  group=Group)) + 
geom_bar(aes(y = ..prop.., fill = factor(..x..)), stat="count", alpha=0.7, position = position_dodge2()) +
geom_text(aes(label = scales::percent(..prop..), 
           y= ..prop.. ), position = position_dodge2(.9), color = "white", size = 3.5, vjust = 1.6, stat= "count") +
         labs(y = "Percent", fill="EmbryoQuality") +
         facet_grid(~Group) +
                      scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) +
                      theme(legend.position = "none")

And the final result is this barplot (the quality in pdf or jpeg is much better!):


To help us help you, could you please prepare a reproducible example (reprex) illustrating your issue? Please have a look at this guide, to see how to create one:

Hi, sure!

Group: "Non-Fertile Chip", "Fertile Chip"
Top quality embryos: "Yes", "No"

And I have: 15 Yes and 66 No for Non-Fertile Chip, and 39 Yes and 72 No for Fertile Chip.

This is how it looks now:

And I would like it to have the percentatges 18.52% (yes) and 81.48 (no) for Non-Fertile Chip, and 35.14% (yes) and 64.86 (no) for Fertile Chip.


That is not reproducible, please read the guide on the link I gave you and try to make a proper reproducible example.

I'm sorry, it will only let me show the first 10 rows.

    stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
               Group = c("Non-Fertile Chip",
                         "Non-Fertile Chip","Fertile Chip","Fertile Chip",
                         "Non-Fertile Chip","Fertile Chip","Non-Fertile Chip",
                         "Non-Fertile Chip","Fertile Chip","Non-Fertile Chip"),
  NTopQualityEmbryos = c("Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes",

And this are the codes I've trying:

g4 <- ggplot(TFMqe, mapping=aes(x=NTopQualityEmbryos, y=prop.table(stat(count)), fill=Group, label=scales::percent(prop.table(stat(count))))) + geom_bar(position=position_dodge2()) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + geom_text(stat_count, position = position_dodge2(.9), vjust=1.6, color="white", size=3.5) + theme_minimal() + scale_y_continuous(label= scales::percent) + labs(x=NTopQualityEmbryos, y=Percentatges, fill = Group)


g5 <- ggplot(TFMqe, aes(label=NMediumQualityEmbryos, fill=Group)) +  geom_bar(stat_identity, position=position_dodge2()) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + geom_text(aes(label=NMediumQualityEmbryos), vjust=1.6, color="white", size=3.5) + theme_minimal()



TFMqe <- data.frame(
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
    Group = c("Non-Fertile Chip",
              "Non-Fertile Chip","Fertile Chip","Fertile Chip",
              "Non-Fertile Chip","Fertile Chip","Non-Fertile Chip",
              "Non-Fertile Chip","Fertile Chip","Non-Fertile Chip"),
    NTopQualityEmbryos = c("Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes",

ggplot(TFMqe, aes(x = NTopQualityEmbryos,
                  y = stat(count/sum(count)),
                  fill = Group)) +
    geom_bar(position = position_dodge2()) +
    geom_text(aes(label = scales::percent(stat(count/sum(count)),
                                          accuracy = 0.01)),
                position = position_dodge2(.9),
                vjust = 1.6,
                color = "white",
                size = 3.5,
              stat = "count") +
    scale_y_continuous(label = scales::label_percent()) +
    labs(x = "NTopQualityEmbryos",
         y = "Percentatges",
         fill = "Group") +
    theme_minimal() +
    theme(legend.position = "bottom")

Created on 2020-11-04 by the reprex package (v0.3.0.9001)

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I've just realized, that the percentatges sume altogether 100%, whilst ideally I'd like it to be 100% in de No group, and 100% in the yes group. So as to see the % of embryos that had top quality in the No group vs the % in the Yes group.
Do you know how to change it?

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