Final_data2 %>% mutate(Trip_in_Hours="tripduration/60")
*Can anyone please point out the mistake !
Final_data2 %>% mutate(Trip_in_Hours="tripduration/60")
*Can anyone please point out the mistake !
Final_data2 %>% mutate(Trip_in_Hours= tripduration/60)
Error inmutate()
In argument:
Trip_in_Hours = tripduration/60
Caused by error intripduration / 60
! non-numeric argument to binary operator
*This error message is showing!
It looks like Trip_in_Hours
is not a numeric variable.
What does
chr [1:2709841] "390.0" "441.0" "829.0" "1,783.0" "364.0" "216.0" "177.0" "100.0" ...
*I want to remove the decimals and then divide the number by 60, to get the Time in hours.
Does this get you what you want?
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
Final_data2 <- data.frame(tripduration = c("390.0", "441.0", "829.0", "1,783.0", "364.0", "216.0", "177.0", "100.0"))
Final_data2 <- Final_data2 %>% mutate(tripduration = parse_number(tripduration),
Trip_in_Hours= tripduration/60)
#> tripduration Trip_in_Hours
#> 1 390 6.500000
#> 2 441 7.350000
#> 3 829 13.816667
#> 4 1783 29.716667
#> 5 364 6.066667
#> 6 216 3.600000
#> 7 177 2.950000
#> 8 100 1.666667
Created on 2023-04-02 with reprex v2.0.2
Thank you ! This worked but why the extra "parse_number(tripduration)" command was included ?
The original tripduration column is characters. That is why you were getting the error non-numeric argument to binary operator
. The parse_number() function converts characters into numbers. You can see that by running the str() function just before and after using parse_number().
Final_data2 <- data.frame(tripduration = c("390.0", "441.0", "829.0", "1,783.0", "364.0", "216.0", "177.0", "100.0"))
'data.frame': 8 obs. of 1 variable:
$ tripduration: chr "390.0" "441.0" "829.0" "1,783.0" ...
Final_data2 <- Final_data2 %>% mutate(tripduration = parse_number(tripduration))
'data.frame': 8 obs. of 1 variable:
$ tripduration: num 390 441 829 1783 364 ...
Thanks a lot ! Appreciate your help.
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