I am writing up a cross validation code to check that my model using the lm() is correct.
Here is the code below:
boot.fn_malta <- function(data, index)
return(coef(lm(GDP ~ Manufacturing + FDI + FDIManf, data = df_malta_clean)))
boot.fn_malta(df_malta_clean, 1:nrow(df_malta_clean))
boot(df_malta_clean, boot.fn_malta, 1:nrow(df_malta_clean))
my data frame is df_malta_clean. The predictor FDIManf is an interaction term using the predictors: Manufacturing and FDI. I have only 35 observations so that is why I am using the bootstrap approach. When I run this code, I am getting this error message
boot(df_malta_clean, boot.fn_malta, 1:nrow(df_malta_clean))
Error in sample.int(n, n * R, replace = TRUE) : invalid 'size' argument
I don't understand why it is giving me this invalid size argument. Can someone please help?
Thank you