Having nested elements on blogdown/hugo archetypes

I have an archetypes for talks with some content like this on archetypes/talk.md:

  - icon: images
    icon_pack: fas
    name: slides
  - icon: github
    icon_pack: fab
    name: code
  - icon: youtube
    icon_pack: fab
    name: video

However, the generate talk using this template loses the "- " in front of the icon. It ends up like this:

  icon: images
  icon_pack: fas
  name: slides
  url: ~
  icon: github
  icon_pack: fab
  name: code
  url: ~
  icon: youtube
  icon_pack: fab
  name: video
  url: ~

But this is invalid yaml as there are duplicated map keys and the content with tabs has been indented the same as icon.

Is there a way to escape this? I tried adding it like this [icon: youtube] adding more indentation, escaping it with \- and \--, but all these fail for one reason or another . I haven't found how to write the right format on the official documentation from Hugo or blogdown (where the only documentation of this is on templates but I couldn't find anything about how to write them).

This looks like a bug in blogdown :thinking: It is possible that we are processing the archetype but not sure.
Could be Hugo too.

Which blogdown version are you using ? Which is the Hugo version ? Are you using default behavior of blogdown or do you have specific customization ?

the generate talk using this template

The HTLM file ?

Thanks for the fast reply, I'm using hugo version 0.91.2, blogdown 1.7 on R 4.1.2.
I have on my .Rprofile the following configuration of blogdown (aside from that I don't think I have anything else, but you can check my blog source code ):

options(blogdown.author = "Lluís Revilla Sancho",
        blogdown.ext = ".Rmd",
        blogdown.knit.on_save = TRUE,
        blogdown.hugo.version = "0.91.2",
        bitmapType = "cairo",
        xfun.bg_process.verbose = TRUE,
        blogdown.use.processx = FALSE)

When I say to generate a talk using this template I mean the *.Rmd file created by the blogdown:::new_post_adding() selecting the archetype the one with links: - icon: ..... That *.Rmd file doesn't contain the -.

yes I believe this is an issue in blogdown. There is a modify_yaml used to add fields in the archetype for the post created and this function does correctly handle the YAML.

I have created an issue with a reprex in here:

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Many thanks, I hope that the fix is easy (and looking forward to the feature of keeping comments).

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