Having Issues with QCA Parsimonious Solutions

I am using the QCA package in R Studio to run a QCA analysis. I only want the parsimonious solution for my analysis (rather than the complex solution or intermediate solution). These are my lines of code:

data <- read.csv("/Users/xxxx.xxxxxxx/Documents/Thesis/Data Analysis/R Software/Conflict_Complex_Truth_Table.csv")

CCTT <- truthTable(data, outcome = "DuraShel", conditions = "BenePart, TraiDeve, QualCont, Cordtn, GoveInvo, ValuAssi, RespSize, HDI", incl.cut = 0.8, n.cut = 1, pri.cut = 0.6, show.cases = TRUE, sort.by = "out")

minimize(CCTT, include = "?", details = TRUE)

When I run this code I output the following:

As far as I understand by reading the QCA package guide, by including the input 'include = "?"' in the final line of code, I am getting the parsimonious solution in the top half of my solution (pathways 1,2,3) but then it is also giving me the remainders which represent the intermediate solution (pathways 4,5). It then uses the intermediate and parsimonious solutions to generate the 2 overall pathways, M1 and M2, and gives me a solution consistency, inclS, and a solution coverage, covS, for M1 and M2. I need these solution consistency and solution coverage values for the entire pathway without the inclusion of the intermediate solutions added to the end.

If I modify the input to 'include " "', it removes the remainders but gives me the complex solution which I cannot use for my analysis.

I really hope this makes sense as I have tried solving this issue but have had no luck.

Thank you :slight_smile:

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