gtsave() ignores path argument, only saving to tempdir()

R v4.1.2, gt v0.4.0.

Any time I use gtsave(), the arguments filename and path seem to be outright ignored.

The following code is an example of what I implement:

gtcars %>%
  gt(rowname_col = "model") %>%
    filename = "gtcars.html",
    path = "~/My_Project/output/"

I found that there are files created in the filepath listed when I use tempdir().

Am I missing something with the implementation?

When it fails for you, does it do so silently, or does it print an error to the console ?

one thing to try is path.expand() around your path string

gtcars %>%
  gt(rowname_col = "model") %>%
    filename = "gtcars.html",
    path = path.expand("~/My_Project/output/")

I receive no warning or error message in the console, so it seemed the function works correctly.

Explicitly declaring the path worked or wrapping the path argument with path.expand() worked.

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