I have this problem with grouping in ggplot 2.
When I am grouping with countries then if as.numeric is not passed to the y axis aesthetics then I get a weird y axis. But when as.numeric is passed to the y axis aesthetics then the grouping is not as per the values.
India is supposed to be at the top but it lies somewhere in the middle.
Any help is appreciated.
Data here:
API_SH_STA_ODFC_ZS_DS2_en_excel_v2 <- read_excel("G:/replication/API_SH.STA.ODFC.ZS_DS2_en_excel_v2.xls")
world_bank1= API_SH_STA_ODFC_ZS_DS2_en_excel_v2
#> [1] "Data Source" "World Development Indicators"
#> [3] "X__1" "X__2"
#> [5] "X__3" "X__4"
#> [7] "X__5" "X__6"
#> [9] "X__7" "X__8"
#> [11] "X__9" "X__10"
#> [13] "X__11" "X__12"
#> [15] "X__13" "X__14"
#> [17] "X__15" "X__16"
#> [19] "X__17" "X__18"
#> [21] "X__19" "X__20"
#> [23] "X__21" "X__22"
#> [25] "X__23" "X__24"
#> [27] "X__25" "X__26"
#> [29] "X__27" "X__28"
#> [31] "X__29" "X__30"
#> [33] "X__31" "X__32"
#> [35] "X__33" "X__34"
#> [37] "X__35" "X__36"
#> [39] "X__37" "X__38"
#> [41] "X__39" "X__40"
#> [43] "X__41" "X__42"
#> [45] "X__43" "X__44"
#> [47] "X__45" "X__46"
#> [49] "X__47" "X__48"
#> [51] "X__49" "X__50"
#> [53] "X__51" "X__52"
#> [55] "X__53" "X__54"
#> [57] "X__55" "X__56"
#> [59] "X__57" "X__58"
#> [61] "X__59" "X__60"
world_bank2= world_bank1 %>%
select(1:3, 45:62)
world_bank3= world_bank2 %>%
filter(5, 22, 34, 111, 140, 154, 180, 186)
world_bank3= world_bank2[ c(5, 22, 34, 111, 140, 154, 180, 186), ]
#> [1] "Data Source" "World Development Indicators"
#> [3] "X__1" "X__43"
#> [5] "X__44" "X__45"
#> [7] "X__46" "X__47"
#> [9] "X__48" "X__49"
#> [11] "X__50" "X__51"
#> [13] "X__52" "X__53"
#> [15] "X__54" "X__55"
#> [17] "X__56" "X__57"
#> [19] "X__58" "X__59"
#> [21] "X__60"
world_bank4= world_bank3 %>%
colnames(world_bank4)= c("Data Source", "World Development Indicators", "Value", "2004", "2005", "2006",
"2007", "2008", "2009")
world_bank4$`Data Source`
#> [1] "Afghanistan" "Bangladesh" "Bhutan" "India" "Sri Lanka"
#> [6] "Maldives" "Nepal" "Pakistan"
world_bank5= t(world_bank4)
world_bank6= world_bank5[4:9, ]
world_bank6= as.data.frame(world_bank6)
colnames(world_bank6)= c("Afghanistan", "Bangladesh", "Bhutan" , "India" ,
"Sri Lanka", "Maldives", "Nepal", "Pakistan" )
world_bank6$Year= c("2004", "2005", "2006",
"2007", "2008", "2009")
world_bank7= as.data.frame(t(world_bank6))
Afghanistan=as.data.frame(t( world_bank7[1,]))
Bangladesh=as.data.frame(t( world_bank7[2,]))
Bhutan=as.data.frame(t( world_bank7[3,]))
India=as.data.frame(t( world_bank7[4,]))
SriLanka=as.data.frame(t( world_bank7[5,]))
Maldives=as.data.frame(t( world_bank7[6,]))
Nepal=as.data.frame(t( world_bank7[7,]))
Pakistan=as.data.frame(t( world_bank7[8,]))
colnames(Afghanistan)= "value1"
colnames(Bangladesh)= "value1"
colnames(Bhutan)= "value1"
colnames(India)= "value1"
colnames(SriLanka)= "value1"
colnames(Maldives)= "value1"
colnames(Nepal)= "value1"
colnames(Pakistan)= "value1"
Year1= c("2004", "2005", "2006",
"2007", "2008", "2009")
world_bank8= rbind(Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, SriLanka, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan)
world_bank8$Year= rep(Year1, 8)
Afghanistan1= as.data.frame(rep("Afghanistan", 6))
Bangladesh1= as.data.frame(rep("Bangladesh", 6))
Bhutan1= as.data.frame(rep("Bhutan", 6))
India1= as.data.frame(rep("India", 6))
SriLanka1= as.data.frame(rep("SriLanka", 6))
Maldives1= as.data.frame(rep("Maldives", 6))
Nepal1= as.data.frame(rep("Nepal", 6))
Pakistan1= as.data.frame(rep("Pakistan", 6))
colnames(Afghanistan1)= "value1"
colnames(Bangladesh1)= "value1"
colnames(Bhutan1)= "value1"
colnames(India1)= "value1"
colnames(SriLanka1)= "value1"
colnames(Maldives1)= "value1"
colnames(Nepal1)= "value1"
colnames(Pakistan1)= "value1"
Country= as.vector( rbind(Afghanistan1, Bangladesh1, Bhutan1, India1, SriLanka1, Maldives1, Nepal1, Pakistan1))
Country1= Country$value1
world_bank8= cbind(world_bank8, Country1)
colnames(world_bank8)= c("OpenDefacation", "Year", "Country1")
world_bank8= as.data.frame(world_bank8)
graph1= ggplot(world_bank8, aes(x=Year, y=as.numeric(world_bank8$OpenDefacation), group= as.factor(world_bank8$Country1) ,
color= as.factor(Country1 )))+
geom_point()+ geom_line()+
theme(text = element_text(size=8), legend.key.size = unit(2,"line"), legend.key.width = unit(2, "line"))+
labs(y= "People practicing open defecation (% of population)")
graph2= ggplot(world_bank8, aes(x=Year, y=(world_bank8$OpenDefacation), group= as.factor(world_bank8$Country1) ,
color= as.factor(Country1 )))+
geom_point()+ geom_line()+
theme(text = element_text(size=8), legend.key.size = unit(2,"line"), legend.key.width = unit(2, "line"))+
labs(y= "People practicing open defecation (% of population)")
ggsave("Figure7.png", width = 12.8, height = 9.6, units = "cm", scale = 1, dpi = 300)
#> package 'datapasta' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
#> The downloaded binary packages are in
#> C:\Users\Tejendra\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmp8ChdVQ\downloaded_packages
#> Warning in tribble_construct(input_table, oc = output_context): Column(s)
#> 1,3 have been converted from factor to character in tribble output.
#> tibble::tribble(
#> ~OpenDefacation, ~Year, ~Country1,
#> "23.598", "2004", "Afghanistan",
#> "22.6644", "2005", "Afghanistan",
#> "21.7311", "2006", "Afghanistan",
#> "20.7983", "2007", "Afghanistan",
#> "19.8659", "2008", "Afghanistan",
#> "18.9342", "2009", "Afghanistan",
#> "13.1794", "2004", "Bangladesh",
#> "11.911", "2005", "Bangladesh",
#> "10.6567", "2006", "Bangladesh",
#> "9.41708", "2007", "Bangladesh",
#> "8.19263", "2008", "Bangladesh",
#> "6.98376", "2009", "Bangladesh",
#> "8.35534", "2004", "Bhutan",
#> "7.36924", "2005", "Bhutan",
#> "6.41688", "2006", "Bhutan",
#> "5.47336", "2007", "Bhutan",
#> "4.53884", "2008", "Bhutan",
#> "3.61362", "2009", "Bhutan",
#> "58.9603", "2004", "India",
#> "57.2068", "2005", "India",
#> "55.4568", "2006", "India",
#> "53.71", "2007", "India",
#> "51.9662", "2008", "India",
#> "50.2268", "2009", "India",
#> "2.66969", "2004", "SriLanka",
#> "2.66986", "2005", "SriLanka",
#> "2.67003", "2006", "SriLanka",
#> "2.67022", "2007", "SriLanka",
#> "2.67039", "2008", "SriLanka",
#> "2.67056", "2009", "SriLanka",
#> "9.22851", "2004", "Maldives",
#> "7.29108", "2005", "Maldives",
#> "5.41892", "2006", "Maldives",
#> "3.61612", "2007", "Maldives",
#> "1.8816", "2008", "Maldives",
#> "0.213854", "2009", "Maldives",
#> "55.0911", "2004", "Nepal",
#> "52.7597", "2005", "Nepal",
#> "50.4347", "2006", "Nepal",
#> "48.1165", "2007", "Nepal",
#> "45.8048", "2008", "Nepal",
#> "43.5003", "2009", "Nepal",
#> "33.2319", "2004", "Pakistan",
#> "31.1954", "2005", "Pakistan",
#> "29.1695", "2006", "Pakistan",
#> "27.1549", "2007", "Pakistan",
#> "25.1524", "2008", "Pakistan",
#> "23.1631", "2009", "Pakistan"
#> )
Created on 2018-04-17 by the reprex package (v0.2.0).