group_stat function implementing column names

Hey, I have written the following functions but I want to change the names of the columns so that it says var_min, var_median and var_max respectively. I have tried a lot but can't manage to implement this, could someone help me? Thank you!


grouped_stats <- function(data, group_vars, summary_vars) {
  data %>%
    group_by(across({{ group_vars }})) %>%
    summarise(across({{ summary_vars }},c(min,median,max)))
grouped_stats(mtcars, c(cyl,am), c(mpg,hp))

grouped_stats2 <- function(data, group_vars, summary_vars) {
  data %>%
    group_by(across(all_of(group_vars))) %>%
    summarise(across(all_of(summary_vars), list(min,median,max)))
grouped_stats2(mtcars, c("cyl","am"), c("mpg","hp"))


grouped_stats <- function(data, group_vars, summary_vars) {
  data %>%
    group_by(across({{ group_vars }})) %>%
    summarise(across({{ summary_vars }},list(min=min,

grouped_stats(mtcars, c(cyl,am), c(mpg,hp))
grouped_stats(mtcars, c("cyl","am"), c("mpg","hp"))

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