hi. I hope my plots are show up in the plot pane..
I spent a lot of time on Google, and I found that many people solved the problem by upgrading.
but I was using the most recent version, R 3.5.0
how can I do...?
hi. I hope my plots are show up in the plot pane..
I spent a lot of time on Google, and I found that many people solved the problem by upgrading.
but I was using the most recent version, R 3.5.0
how can I do...?
Welcome to community Jihui.
First, be aware of the difference between R and RStudio's IDE. Because your question mentions a plots pane, I'm assuming you are using RStudio IDE. You might try updating RStudio as well.
Also, the folks that develop the RStudio IDE have a nice troubleshooting guide covering common issues with graphics devices here; Problem with Plots or Graphics Device. Could you walk through these steps, and if they fail (), come back here with the suggested info about your system?
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