Go to Directory default folder error

Hi everyone,

I recently updated the version of RStudio to 2024.09.0 and am running into an odd issue.

When I click on the "..." button for "Go to Directory", it defaulting to look for a folder that doesn't exist.

Under the "default working directory (when not in a project)" and "default open project location", they point to the appropriate folders - not the one that doesn't exist.

I'm wondering if there's a way to change the "Go to Directory" default folder or any insights as to why I'm running into this issue. Thanks!

Is this a folder that existed once upon a time?

It's part of the root directory

You can try resetting RStudio's state as described here. If the phantom directory is stuck in some old setting, this should hopefully clear it up. Assuming it works, you can either live with the new directory and if necessary replace any customized settings that were lost or you can restore backed up files one by one until you find the one containing the broken setting, and then try to edit that file.

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