GmailR - Precondition check failed during non-interactive use with service account

I'm trying to send emails in a non-interactive session via a service account using gmailr. I've granted domain-wide authority for the service account and enabled the Gmail, Calendar, and Drive APIs, and a few others. There's a chance I don't have the right scopes for the domain wide authority, but I couldn't find a list of required ones. Anyone have any experience with this error or troubleshooting this?

Code below:


options(gargle_verbosity = "debug")

gm_auth(email = "",
        path = Sys.getenv('service_account_json'))

# trying `token_fetch()`
# Trying `credentials_byo_oauth()` ...
# Error caught by `token_fetch()`:
# inherits(token, "Token2.0") is not TRUE
# trying `credentials_service_account()`
# adding "" scope
# service account email:

gm_profile(user_id = "me", verbose = TRUE)

error message:

# Error in gmailr_GET("profile", user_id, class = "gmail_profile") : 
#  Gmail API error: 400
 # Precondition check failed.