glmnet fit error: number of observations in y not equal to the number of rows of x

I'm new to Lasso regression and am trying to get glmnet to work in preparation for lasso regression. Unfortunately, I hit a problem pretty early on. Could someone let me know what I've done wrong? Thank you!

df0<- read_csv("data_cleaned.csv")

#Categorical variables set to factors


#Omit all NAs

fit <- PL[c("Social_Media_Time", 

PL.2<- as.matrix(fit)

fit = glmnet(PL.2, "PL_Binary_Score")

I get the following error:

number of observations in y (1) not equal to the number of rows of x (287).

I'm a bit confused because there are no missing values that could explain a difference in row length.

Is PL_Binary_Score a vector of y values? Try

fit = glmnet(PL.2, PL_Binary_Score)

With quotes around it, glmnet will think it is a single value.

That worked great! Thank you

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