🔥 GitRoaster - Shiny Contest Submission

:fire: GitRoaster

Authors: miskowski85@hotmail.fr

Abstract: Welcome to GitRoaster!
This app lets you have some fun with GitHub profiles. Here's what you can do:

Enter any GitHub username in the text box.
Choose to either "Roast" or "Compliment" the profile.
Click the button and watch the magic happen!

You'll see:

A witty roast or heartfelt compliment about the GitHub user, generated by AI.
A cool animated card showing the user's GitHub stats and top programming languages.

It's quick, fun, and might give you a good laugh or boost your ego, depending on which button you click!
Remember, all roasts are in good fun. Don't take them too seriously!
Enjoy exploring GitHub profiles in a whole new way with GitRoaster!

Full Description:

Shiny app: https://roastorcompliment-nnqngxtura-uc.a.run.app
Repo: https://github.com/noamanemobidata/roastorcompliment


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This is so wild :sob:

Congrats it is a very well designed app :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you for sharing your roast! indeed it's harsh

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