gh-pages not deploying xaringan slides

Hi everyone!

I am trying to deploy some xaringan to Github pages and it doesn't seem to be working. I've completed the following steps:

  1. Create a GitHub repository, render the presentation to HTML, and push all of the files to the repository
    a. repo:
    b. html:

  2. Create a branch entitled gh-pages

  3. Rename the html file from the name of the .Rmd file (but ending in .html) to index.html. This is named index.html in both branches:
    a. main:
    b. gh-pages:

  4. Turn on GitHub Pages and set it to the gh-pages branch.

However, when I click on the link from the "Pages" option (, I get the 404 error. I can see the slides when I manually add the index to the url, but shouldn't this be unnecessary?

Thank you in advance!

Check the cache of your browser for example. This url above is working from me. I can see your slides

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