ggraph: Change size of circular layout


I am playing around with ggraph and would like to know if there is a way to globally (or manually) change the size of the circular layout beyond x/y = -1 and +1, to say x/y = -2 and +2.

Thank you!

# code based on this tutorial:


nodesList <- tibble(
        id = 1:12,
        label = c("Altered State", "Rationality", "Positive Affect",
                  "Arousal", "Self Awareness", "Memory", 
                  "Inward \n Absorbed \n Attention", "Negative Affect",
                  "Altered Experience", "Volitional Control",
                  "Vivid Imagery", "Internal Dialogue")

edgeList <- tibble(
        from = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11),
        to = c(9, 10, 5, 6, 10, 11, 11, 6, 12, 12),
        weight = c(21, -23, 16, 14, 14, 14, 40, 16, 11, 11)

routesTidy <- tbl_graph(nodes = nodesList, edges = edgeList, directed = TRUE)

ggraph(routesTidy, layout = 'linear', circular = TRUE) + 
        geom_edge_link(aes(width = weight), alpha = 0.6) +
        scale_edge_width(range = c(0.4, 4)) +
        geom_node_point(aes(color = as.factor(id)), size = 15) + 
        #theme_graph() +
        #geom_node_point(size = 15) +
        geom_node_text(aes(label = label), repel = TRUE, 
                       nudge_x = .03, nudge_y = 0.15) +
        coord_fixed(ratio = 1) #xlim = c(-2,2), ylim = c(-2, 2)

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