I'm struggling to get my ggplot to put the legend where I want it. My plot has a lot of text in the y-margin. It seems I can't tell ggplot to use that left space.
Fully reproducable example below. Here is the plot I am getting:
Obviously what I want is more like this:
I can obviously get my crayons out and edit it in. I suspect there may be a way with grobs (its been a long time since I've had to resort to that), but I'm hoping someone can explain some tiny setting that fixes it for me!
## Reproducable example
## Possible answers to questions, in order
order <- c("Engineering Control",
## Create some dummy questions
questions <- stri_rand_lipsum(6, start_lipsum = TRUE)
# Cut the dummy questions down a bit
questions <- questions |>
stri_sub(from= 1, to = 160)
## Build a dataset with extremely long category labels
myData <- tibble(
questions = sort(rep(questions,6)),
answer = rep(order,6),
frequency = round(runif(36, 0,5))
# Show the first 6 lines of data to make sure we know what we are dealing with
# Reorder the data so that the 'best' responses are sorted
myDataGood <- myData |>
group_by(questions) |>
filter (answer %in% c("Engineering Control",
"Usually" )) |>
myData |>
# Set the order the bars will appear using factors
mutate(answer = as.factor(answer)) |>
mutate(answer = forcats::fct_relevel(answer, order))|>
# use the good data to sort the questions
left_join(myDataGood) |>
arrange(-`sum(frequency)`, questions ) |>
mutate(questions = factor(questions)) -> myData
# Get the question order for the x-axis
Qorder <- as.character(unique(myData$questions))
# Create a colour pallette
colours <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(6, "YlOrRd")
## Build a plot
ggplot(data = myData, aes(x = questions, fill = answer)) +
# Plot "good" answers to the left
geom_bar(data = subset(myData, answer %in% c("Engineering Control", "Always", "Usually")),
aes(y = -frequency ),
stat="identity", width = 0.7) +
# Plot poorer answers to the right of a centre line
geom_bar(data = subset(myData, ! answer %in% c("Engineering Control", "Always", "Usually")),
aes(y = frequency ),
position=position_stack(reverse = T),
stat="identity", width = 0.7) +
# Make the plot run left to right
coord_flip() +
# Wrap the text at 72 characters, and order the x axis [axes are flipped so is y! on the output]
scale_x_discrete(labels = function(x) str_wrap(x, width = 72), limits = Qorder) +
# Add the colours in the correct order
scale_fill_manual(name = NULL, breaks = order , values = colours) +
# minimise screen trash
theme_minimal() +
labs(title = "Questionnaire responses") +
# remove unwanted labels
xlab(NULL) + ylab (NULL) +
# Move the legend to the bottom
legend.direction = "horizontal", legend.position = "bottom",
# Set the legend text size
legend.text = element_text(size = 12),
# Try to make the legend align left << doesnt seem to make any difference
legend.justification = "left",
# Remove unwanted gridlines
panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
# Set the question text size
axis.text.y=element_text(size = 14)) +
# Set the legend to be on a single line
guides(fill = guide_legend(nrow = 1)) -> gg_example
ggsave("example.jpg", gg_example, width = 25, height = 15, units = c("cm"), dpi = 72)
Sample of what the data looks like but I dont think this is a data problem
> head(myData)
> # A tibble: 6 Ă— 4
> questions answer frequency `sum(frequency)`
> <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl>
> 1 Luctus porttitor gravida litora sem tempus faucibus, primis urna habitasse u… Engin… 4 12
> 2 Luctus porttitor gravida litora sem tempus faucibus, primis urna habitasse u… Always 4 12
> 3 Luctus porttitor gravida litora sem tempus faucibus, primis urna habitasse u… Usual… 4 12
> 4 Luctus porttitor gravida litora sem tempus faucibus, primis urna habitasse u… Deleg… 2 12
> 5 Luctus porttitor gravida litora sem tempus faucibus, primis urna habitasse u… Somet… 2 12
> 6 Luctus porttitor gravida litora sem tempus faucibus, primis urna habitasse u… Rarel… 5 12