I am new here. I have a question regarding the correlation matrix/scatter plot/Matrix plot via pairs, ggally::ggpairs.
I have a data that contains 100 parameters and want to determine the correlation between them. eg.: Parameters 1 to 100 existing is column (import via excel) want to plot the graph between column 3 vs column [4:25] then column 3 vs column [26:40] and so on. How can i fix the column 3. (i mean how may i write a code so that the column 3 or any other column that want to see remain fixed and other column range bring into the code.
At the moment i did so:
GGally::ggpairs(data = data[3:12]) .
But am did not success that how may i write the code and got the image as mentioned below.
Thanks for the idea. It is also a good approach to see the correlation between them.
But still my question is how can i fix one column/argument. As i said, i have 100 parameters. And it is not representable if i select all parameters together. Thats why i want to do in the following ways:
ggally::ggcorr(data[9:30]) and column 9 is my parameter that want to see.
GGally::ggcorr([31:42]) but how i bring column 9 in this code?
Just one more question. is it possible to get these corr:vlaues in tabular format or at console area as we get summary(data). So that i will copy this corr values into excel.