getting error wile trying to satisfy both the conditions

Process the data as follow:

. Select the ad that satisfy both conditions:
1.Both the expert gave 5,6 or 7 in Story,Completeness,Character
2.Both the expert gave 4,5,6 in Excitement,Action,Climax,Release

  • From the filtered set of ads, find the average of the expert rating for each ad.

data<- data.frame(Advertisement=c("Ad_1","Ad_1","Ad_2","Ad_2","Ad_3","Ad_3","Ad_4","Ad_4","Ad_5","Ad_5"),
df_data1<-data %>% filter((Expert==1&Story>=5&Completeness>=5&Character>=5&Excitement>=4&Action>=4&Climax>=4
                           & Release>=4)&(Expert==2&Story>=5&Completeness>=5&Character>=5 &Excitement>=4&Action>=4&Climax>=4& Release>=4))

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There are no rows with Expert == 1 and Expert == 2, so your filter returns zero rows.

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