getting count of missing values in summary

i want to get the count of NA's in column with max and min. is there any way in expss already to get a count in below example


example <- data.frame(org = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G"),
                      q1 = c("apple", "apple", NA, "apple", "apple", "apple", NA),
                      q2 = c(NA, NA, NA, "banana", "banana", "banana", NA),
                      q3 = c("orange", NA, "orange", "orange", NA, "orange", NA),
                      region = c("1", "1", "2", "3", "3", "2", "2"))

pct_all <- cross_cpct(example, mrset(q1 %to% q3), region)](https://)

output should be look like


To count up the missing values in each of your columns, I would use the below code (In this case, for q1):


The part of this function will return 1 for missing values and 0 for non-missing values. The sum function will then return the sum of these binary values, giving you the total number of missing values in the column of your choosing.

thats is for one variable but i want to do it for mrset(q1 %to% q3)

I'm guessing it might be


example <- data.frame(org = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G"),
                      q1 = c("apple", "apple", NA, "apple", "apple", "apple", NA),
                      q2 = c(NA, NA, NA, "banana", "banana", "banana", NA),
                      q3 = c("orange", NA, "orange", "orange", NA, "orange", NA),
                      region = c("1", "1", "2", "3", "3", "2", "2"))

na_replace_string <- "z_na"

(solid_example <- mutate(example,

(pct_all <- cross_cpct(solid_example,
                       mrset(q1 %to% q3), region))

pct_all$row_labels[which(pct_all$row_labels==na_replace_string)] <- "#missing vals"

 |               | region |       |     |
 |               |      1 |     2 |   3 |
 | ------------- | ------ | ----- | --- |
 |         apple |    100 |  33.3 | 100 |
 |        banana |        |  33.3 | 100 |
 |        orange |     50 |  66.7 |  50 |
 | #missing vals |    150 | 166.7 |  50 |
 |  #Total cases |      2 |   3.0 |   2 |

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