I have a Shiny app that uses fileInput to take in a file and make several different plots.
I'm trying to modify the app to now intake multiple files, and make the same plots eventually.
I can use multiple=TRUE in my code, but I'm having a hard time of actually getting them back out. Can I put them all into a list and reference them later in the app? I'm especially needing to pay attention to varying numbers of files (user 1 uploads 3 files, user#2 uploads 10 files).
Thank you!
Here's some code I adapted. I wanted to simply input multiple files, put them in a list, and get the names of that list. I think where I'm going wrong is that the elements of the list are not being set to the names of the uploaded CSV files. @FJCC any idea?
Is this the sort of thing you want to do? It throws an error when first started because I didn't bother to make it elegant. If I pick three files, mycsvs() returns a list with three elements, each element being the contents of a selected file, the names of mycsvs() are the names of the files in the browser, not the tmp file names stored in input$csvs$datapath.
YES!! The output$Listnames is answering the question, "what are the names of the uploaded files"
But for how to access them, let's say I wanted to plot each uploaded file (all of which happen to be a single column). Won't I need some way to put them in a list? And do something like
for(i in 1:seq_along(mylist)){
I think maybe this is how I should start (modified your example). But I'm not sure how to make all 3 plots, it can only plot 1 of the uploaded files:
I am not sure how to use the base plot() function within shiny to layout a variable number of plots. I expect it can be done. I would use ggplot to make a faceted plot with one plot for every csv file. If your data have only one column, you might need to add a column of x values. This is what I did in the following code. The files are read in with one column and then I use functions from dplyr to add a column that just numbers the rows. Before that step, I used the bind_rows() function to make a single data frame containing all of the data with a column named SourceFile that labels each row with its original file name. The faceted plots can then be labeled with the file names.
I think instead of trying to make it on one plot though, I'm trying to make all plots. So if 3 files are uploaded, can I make 3 plots? This is already working with counting the number of input files, and it is also working with displaying the input file names.
I'm pretty sure I just don't know how to right for loops correctly - for example I currently have:
for(i in 1:seq_along(mycsvs)){
x <- plot(mycsvs()[[i]])
That will only make one plot , the last one that was uploaded. How can I say "plot this same plot but for ALL uploaded files?"
I can't come any closer to making a variable number of independent plots than using ggplot's facet_wrap. However, I am no shiny expert and others probably do know how to do that. The problem I see, though I could be wrong, is that each plot would need its own plotOutput function in the UI section. You would have to create those on-the-fly and I do not know how to do that.
I suggest you start a new topic with a title that mentions making a variable number of plots in shiny. That will be more likely to attract the attention of the correct person.