geomorph and RStudio version

I hope this post finds you well.
I have Windows 11. R4.4.1 and RStudio4.3.3. I tried to have the latest version of R and R studio and just made all the updates.
I want to install the geomorph package on R studio but it always says that I need R >= 4.4.0, which I already have. I don't know how I can install the geomorph package.
I also tried the github version :"devtools::install_github("geomorphR/geomorph", ref = "Stable", build_vignettes = TRUE)" but it doesn't work neither. Can you help me to install the geomorph package?

RStudio version numbers look like, e.g. 2024.04.2 is the latest, so I suspect that you are using R 4.3.3, and that package indeed requires R 4.4.0. Run


tot make sure, and then I am afraid that you'll need to update R to run that package.

Hello Gabor,
Thank you for your answer. When I go in the section Help> About RStudio, it tells me that I have the 2024.04.2 version and when I run "getRversion()", it tells me :"[1] ‘4.3.3’". How can I update R if I have the latest version?

You don't have the latest version, R 4.4.1 is the latest version. You can install it from CRAN: Download R-4.4.1 for Windows. The R-project for statistical computing.

Thank you for taking the time to reply. This is precisely my problem. I just made all the updates.
When I run "getRversion()" in RStudio, it tells me :"[1] ‘4.3.3’" and when I run it in R, it tells me "[1] ‘4.4.1’". I want to work on RStudio to see the graphics and others. But I can't install the package I need. Do you know how I can proceed?

OK! I just search more on the internet and found the solution! I needed to go in Tools > Global Options > Change the R version > Select the latest in the list
Nevertheless, thank you very much for taking the time to reply.
Have a nice week!

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