I would like to know why I can't generate the same output table with Code 2
I have the Code 1 which is this:
Code 1
df1 <- structure(
list(date1= c("2021-06-28","2021-06-28","2021-06-28","2021-06-28","2021-06-28",
date2 = c("2021-06-25","2021-06-25","2021-06-27","2021-07-07","2021-07-07","2021-07-09","2021-07-09","2021-07-09"),
Code = c("FDE","ABC","ABC","ABC","CDE","FGE","ABC","CDE"),
Week= c("Wednesday","Wednesday","Friday","Wednesday","Wednesday","Friday","Friday","Friday"),
DR1 = c(4,1,4,3,3,4,3,5),
DR01 = c(4,1,4,3,3,4,3,6), DR02= c(4,2,6,7,3,2,7,4),DR03= c(9,5,4,3,3,2,1,5),
DR04 = c(5,4,3,3,6,2,1,9),DR05 = c(5,4,5,3,6,2,1,9),
DR06 = c(2,4,3,3,5,6,7,8),DR07 = c(2,5,4,4,9,4,7,8),
DR08 = c(3,2,0,1,2,4,2,2),DR09 = c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),DR010 = c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),DR011 = c(4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),
DR012 = c(3,2,0,3,5,3,4,5),DR013 = c(0,0,1,0,0,0,2,0),DR014 = c(0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0)),
class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -8L))
selection = startsWith(names(df1), "DR0")
df1[selection][is.na(df1[selection])] = 0
dt1 <- as.data.table(df1)
cols <- grep("^DR0", colnames(dt1), value = TRUE)
medi_ana <-
dt1[, (paste0(cols, "_PV")) := DR1 - .SD, .SDcols = cols
][, lapply(.SD, median), by = .(Code, Week), .SDcols = paste0(cols, "_PV") ]
inner_join(medi_ana, by = c('Code', 'Week')) %>%
mutate(across(matches("^DR0\\d+$"), ~.x +
get(paste0(cur_column(), '_PV')),
.names = '{col}_{col}_PV')) %>%
select(date1:Week, DR01_DR01_PV:last_col())%>%
mat1 <- df1 %>%
filter(date2 == dmda, Code == CodeChosse) %>%
select(starts_with("DR0")) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = everything()) %>%
arrange(desc(row_number())) %>%
mutate(cs = cumsum(value)) %>%
filter(cs == 0) %>%
(dropnames <- paste0(mat1,"_",mat1, "_PV"))
[1] "DR014_DR014_PV" "DR013_DR013_PV"
First<-SPV %>%
filter(date2 == dmda, Code == CodeChosse) %>%
> First
date1 date2 Code Week DR01_DR01_PV DR02_DR02_PV DR03_DR03_PV DR04_DR04_PV DR05_DR05_PV DR06_DR06_PV
1 2021-06-28 2021-07-07 CDE Wednesday 3 3 3 3 3 3
DR07_DR07_PV DR08_DR08_PV DR09_DR09_PV DR010_DR010_PV DR011_DR011_PV DR012_DR012_PV
1 3 3 3 3 3 3
Notice in this first code that the columns "DR013_DR013_PV"
and "DR014_DR014_PV"
are taken from First
. This code is generating the result I want.
To improve the speed of execution I decided to use data_table
in SPV
instead of using inner_join
. However when I use the rest of the code I can't get the desired result, that is, the columns "DR013_PV"
and "DR014_PV"
are not removed as in the first code. See Code 2. What could be wrong?
Code 2
f1 <- function(nm, pat) grep(pat, nm, value = TRUE)
nm1 <- f1(names(df1), "^DR0\\d+$")
nm2 <- f1(names(medi_ana), "_PV")
nm3 <- paste0("i.", nm2)
setDT(df1)[medi_ana, (nm2) := Map(`+`, mget(nm1), mget(nm3)), on = .(Code, Week)]
SPV <- df1[, c('date1', 'date2', 'Code', 'Week', nm2), with = FALSE] %>% data.frame()
mat1 <- df1 %>%
filter(date2 == dmda, Code == CodeChosse) %>%
select(starts_with("DR0")) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = everything()) %>%
arrange(desc(row_number())) %>%
mutate(cs = cumsum(value)) %>%
filter(cs == 0) %>%
(dropnames <- paste0(mat1, "_PV"))
Second<-SPV %>%
filter(date2 == dmda, Code == CodeChosse) %>%
> Second
date1 date2 Code Week DR01_PV DR02_PV DR03_PV DR04_PV DR05_PV DR06_PV DR07_PV DR08_PV DR09_PV DR010_PV DR011_PV
1 2021-06-28 2021-07-07 CDE Wednesday 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
DR012_PV DR013_PV DR014_PV
1 3 3 3
Therefore, DR013_PV
and DR014_PV
would not have to be in Second