Generate many dataframes splitting a dataset by a variable

I'm trying to generate many dataframes using map.
The names of each dataframes are related to the values of one variable.

I wrote this:

mpg %>% 
  split(.$manufacturer) %>% 

And I would like to view the dataframes named:

 land rover  

On my data panel. It's very simple, but I'm stuck.
As always, thanks for your time and interest.
Have a nice weekend

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This does the trick

library(ggplot2) # For the mpg data set

mpg %>% 
    nest_by(manufacturer) %>%
    mutate(data = set_names(list(data), manufacturer)) %>%
    pull(data) %>% 
    list2env(envir = globalenv())
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Thanks, andresrcs
I'm trying to understand the code, but I can't internalize it well. It seems complex for me, specially when I can get the groups so easily typing nest_by. I'm puzzled how from nesting I need 4 steps to send each group to the global environment.
Again, thanks andresrcs

This is to make a named list so the generated data frames have names according to the manufacturer column.

This step is just for using standard dplyr syntax that I find more human-readable, but it can be eliminated if you use a placeholder to extract the column on the next line. In which case the code would be

mpg %>% 
    nest_by(manufacturer) %>%
    mutate(data = set_names(list(data), manufacturer)) %>%
    list2env(x = .$data, envir = globalenv())

This line is for storing the whole list of data frames into the global environment in one go (not by iteration like with map but by vectorization).

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Your solution is the only one I found on the internet.
I think my request is rare.
Before closing this thread, I have a small doubt.
What I need to export every dataset as vector?
For example, export subaru$model, subaru$displ,...,subaru$class as Values
Thanks for all

If you fill that strongly about using iteration (purrr functions ) you can do this

mpg %>% 
    nest_by(manufacturer) %>%
    walk2(.x = .$manufacturer, .y = .$data, .f = ~ assign(.x, .y, envir = globalenv()))

Is this what you mean?

mpg %>% 
    nest_by(manufacturer) %>%
    mutate(data = set_names(list(data), manufacturer)) %>%
    map(.x = .$data, .f = as.list) %>% 
    unlist(recursive = FALSE) %>% 
    list2env(envir = globalenv())
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:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: ...Incredible.
There is no solution for that task on the web, andresrcs
Now there is one.
Thanks a lot.

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