Gene expression changes around the clock and sleep/wake cycle - Shiny Contest Submission

Gene expression changes around the clock and sleep/wake cycle

Authors: Joana Dopp

Abstract: The app visualizes a large gene expression dataset from 106K cells of fruit fly brains. Users can explore how gene expression changes during the circadian cycle, sleep/wake states, and increasing sleep drive.

Full Description: The app depicts a large gene expression dataset across 106K single brain cells of fruit flies. The user can browse how gene expression changes
a. across the circadian cycle (i.e. different times of the day) - tab 1
b. across different sleep and wake states - tab 2
c. with increasing sleep drive (i.e. how tired the animal is) - tab 3.
They can input a gene and cell type that they are interested in and explore the correlations. Hovering over the plots provides info on p-value and Pearson r2 value.

The app is particularly useful for sleep and circadian researchers to test hypotheses, e.g. testing whether their gene of interest correlates with sleep states differently depending on the cell type they choose. It may also open up novel research hypotheses and inspire to explore cell-type specific differences in sleep and circadian regulation. The option to download plots allows users to easily document and further develop these new ideas.

Shiny app: Fly Sleep Single Cell
Repo: GitHub - joanadopp/shinysleep


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