You must be based in the UK to be eligible, sorry.
The Software Sustainability Institute is receiving applications for their Fellowship Programme. Fellows receive £3,000 to spend over fifteen months. The funding is flexible to support activities that are beneficial to both the Fellows’ and the Institute’s aims, for instance:
- To fund travel to key computational conferences in their area of work (yes, you can fund your travel to useR! 2019, Toulouse, France or rstudio::conf 2020)
- To setup and run workshops
- To organise software sustainability sessions at domain conferences
- To host, organise or teach training events, such as Software Carpentry, Data Carpentry or Library Carpentry.
- Other activities around computational practice or policy
In previous years, we received applications from local R user groups and we enjoyed collaborating with them.
Applications are now open until 3rd February 2019.
Disclaimer: I work for the Software Sustainability Institute. I’m happy to answer questions public or private.