function to do bias correction with cross validation

It seems like I've developed a function for bias correction of precipitation data using R's fitQmap functions, implementing cross-validation. I've noticed that while the function works correctly on some occasions, it gives errors in certain cases. Interestingly, when I rerun the function, it encounters errors in different places. Even more puzzling is that if I isolate the code responsible for correction and apply it to the same data frame that previously caused errors, it performs flawlessly.

I'm seeking insights from an expert to help understand this inconsistency. What could be causing these sporadic errors? Is there a potential issue with how the function interacts with certain data? Any suggestions on how to improve the reliability and stability of the function would be greatly appreciated."

when running this code:

sspline_5 <- list()
obs = list_obs_m
mod = list_modH_m
folds = 5
list_of_sublists_modH <- list()

for (i in seq_along(obs)) {
    ## get the observed data to be used as train
    sublist <- obs[[i]]
    sublist_name <- names(obs)[i]  # Get the name of the sublist
    #subl <- list_obs_m[[1]]
    ## get the modeled Historical data to be used as train
    sublist_train_test_modH <- mod[[i]]
    ## corrected test data set
    processed_sublist_modH <- sublist_train_test_modH

    corrected_modH <- list()

    for (j in seq_along(sublist)) {
      df <- sublist[[j]]
      df_modH <- sublist_train_test_modH[[j]]
      processed_df_modH <- df_modH
     # value_mod <- df_modH[[2]]
      bacia_month <- colnames(df[2])
      cat("Bacia_month is ", bacia_month, "\n")
       set.seed(123) # Set seed value for randomness
      fold_df <- createFolds(df$Date, k = folds, list = TRUE, returnTrain = TRUE)
     combine_iteration <- data.frame(index = integer(), value = numeric(), iteration = integer())
            for (k in 1:folds) {
                        cat("Iteration", k, "\n")
                    train_indices_df <- unlist(fold_df[-k])
                    cat("fold_df", length(fold_df) , "k", k , "\n")
                    test_indices_df <- fold_df[[k]]
                    train_data_df <- df[train_indices_df, ]
                    test_data_df <- df [test_indices_df, ]
                    train_data_df_mod <- df_modH[train_indices_df, ]
                    test_data_df_mod <- df_modH [test_indices_df, ]
                      cat("Number of training data:", nrow(train_data_df), "\n")
                      cat("Test data count:", nrow(test_data_df_mod), "\n")
                                                         # train SSPLINE model

                 <- fitQmap(train_data_df[2],train_data_df_mod[2],
                          qstep=0.01, method="SSPLIN")
                          y_modH <- doQmap(test_data_df_mod[2], 

    combine_iteration <- rbind(combine_iteration, data.frame(index = test_indices_df, value = y_modH, iteration = k))

         mean_combine_iteration <- aggregate(combine_iteration[[2]] ~ index, data = combine_iteration, FUN = mean)
      processed_df_modH[[2]] <- mean_combine_iteration[[2]]

      processed_sublist_modH[[j]] <- processed_df_modH

      corrected_modH[[j]] <- processed_sublist_modH[[j]]
        names(processed_sublist_modH) <- names(sublist)

    names(corrected_modH) <- names(sublist)

    list_of_sublists_modH[[sublist_name]] <- corrected_modH
    sspline_5 <- list(Historico = list_of_sublists_modH)
sspline_5 <- output

I get this type of error:

Bacia_month is  Serra do Facão_Jul 
Iteration 1 
fold_df 5 k 1 
Number of training data: 113 
Test data count: 27 
Iteration 2 
fold_df 5 k 2 
Number of training data: 112 
Test data count: 28 
Warning: model identification for Serra do Facão_Jul failed
 NA's produced.Warning: Quantile mapping for Serra do Facão_Jul failed NA's produced.Iteration 3 
fold_df 5 k 3 
Number of training data: 115 
Test data count: 25 
Warning: model identification for Serra do Facão_Jul failed
 NA's produced.Warning: Quantile mapping for Serra do Facão_Jul failed NA's produced.Iteration 4 
fold_df 5 k 4 
Number of training data: 110 
Test data count: 30 
Iteration 5 
fold_df 5 k 5 
Number of training data: 110 
Test data count: 30 
Warning: model identification for Serra do Facão_Jul failed
 NA's produced.Warning: Quantile mapping for Serra do Facão_Jul failed NA's produced.
Test data count: 30 

knowing that if I run the only the list that contian this object "Serra do Facão", it would run it correctly.

More than that if I am executing the function that contain this code, which it is like this:

biasCorr_CV <- function(obs, mod, newdata = NULL, method = c("RQUANT", "PTF", "SSPLINE", "QUANT", "dqm", "qdm"), cross.val = c("none", "kfold"), folds = NULL){
  output <- list()
  if(cross.val == "none"){
    output <- RQUANT_correction_m_null(obs, mod)
  } else if(cross.val == "kfold" & !is.null(folds)) {
       list_of_sublists_modH <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(obs)) {
    ## get the observed data to be used as train
    sublist <- obs[[i]]
    sublist_name <- names(obs)[i]  # Get the name of the sublist
    #subl <- list_obs_m[[1]]
    ## get the modeled Historical data to be used as train
    sublist_train_test_modH <- mod[[i]]
    ## corrected test data set
    processed_sublist_modH <- sublist_train_test_modH

    corrected_modH <- list()

    for (j in seq_along(sublist)) {
      df <- sublist[[j]]
      #value_obs <- df[[2]]
      #d <- subl[[1]]
      #v <- d[[2]]
      df_modH <- sublist_train_test_modH[[j]]
      processed_df_modH <- df_modH
     # value_mod <- df_modH[[2]]
      bacia_month <- colnames(df[2])
      cat("Bacia_month is ", bacia_month, "\n")
      set.seed(123) # Set seed value for randomness
     fold_df <- createFolds(df$Date, k = folds, list = TRUE, returnTrain = TRUE)
     combine_iteration <- data.frame(index = integer(), value = numeric(), iteration = integer())
            for (k in 1:folds) {
                        cat("Iteration", k, "\n")
                    train_indices_df <- unlist(fold_df[-k])
                    cat("fold_df", length(fold_df) , "k", k , "\n")
                    test_indices_df <- fold_df[[k]]
                    train_data_df <- df[train_indices_df, ]
                    test_data_df <- df [test_indices_df, ]
                    train_data_df_mod <- df_modH[train_indices_df, ]
                    test_data_df_mod <- df_modH [test_indices_df, ]
                      cat("Number of training data:", nrow(train_data_df), "\n")
                      cat("Test data count:", nrow(test_data_df_mod), "\n")
                      if(method == "RQUANT"){
                          # train RQUANT model
       <- fitQmap(train_data_df[2], train_data_df_mod[2],
                y_modH <- doQmap(test_data_df_mod[2] ,,type="linear")
                      if(method == "PTF"){
                        # train PTF model
                 <- fitQmap(train_data_df[2],train_data_df_mod[2],
                          method="PTF", transfun="expasympt", cost="RSS",
                          y_modH <- doQmap(test_data_df_mod[2], 
                        if(method == "SSPLINE"){
                        # train SSPLINE model

                 <- fitQmap(train_data_df[2],train_data_df_mod[2],
                          qstep=0.01, method="SSPLIN")
                          y_modH <- doQmap(test_data_df_mod[2], 
                       # if(method == "QUANT"){
                       #  # train QUANT model
                       # <- fitQmap(train_data_df[2],train_data_df_mod[2],
                       #     method="QUANT", qstep=0.01)
                       #    y_modH <- doQmap(test_data_df_mod[2],,type="tricub") 
                       # }
                      if(method == "dqm"){
                        # train DETRENDED QUANTILE MATCHING with delta-method extrapolation model

                          y_modH <- dqm(train_data_df[[2]], train_data_df_mod[[2]], test_data_df_mod[[2]], precip = TRUE, pr.threshold=0.1, n.quantiles= 100, detrend = TRUE) 
                              if(method == "qdm"){
                        # train Quantile delta mapping model

                          y_modH <- qdm(train_data_df[[2]], train_data_df_mod[[2]], test_data_df_mod[[2]], precip = TRUE, pr.threshold=0.1, n.quantiles= 100, jitter.factor=0.01) 

    combine_iteration <- rbind(combine_iteration, data.frame(index = test_indices_df, value = y_modH, iteration = k))

         mean_combine_iteration <- aggregate(combine_iteration[[2]] ~ index, data = combine_iteration, FUN = mean)
      processed_df_modH[[2]] <- mean_combine_iteration[[2]]

      processed_sublist_modH[[j]] <- processed_df_modH

      corrected_modH[[j]] <- processed_sublist_modH[[j]]
        names(processed_sublist_modH) <- names(sublist)

    names(corrected_modH) <- names(sublist)

    list_of_sublists_modH[[sublist_name]] <- corrected_modH
    output <- list(Historico = list_of_sublists_modH)

it will give me this error:

sspline_cv_5 <- biasCorr_CV(list_obs_m,list_modH_m, method = "SSPLIN", cross.val = "kfold",folds = 5)
Bacia_month is 14 de Julho_Jan Iteration 1 fold_df 5 k 1 Number of training data: 113 Test data count: 27

[image] Show Traceback

Error in data.frame(index = test_indices_df, value = y_modH, iteration = k) : arguments imply differing number of rows: 27, 30, 1

any ideas how can I improve my code?

I don't know the answer to your question, but I do have a suggestion.

To get help, the best thing that you can do is to provide a small reproducible example so that we can understand the details. Also, people are much less likely to look at the post if it is a long script.

This means you should break the problem into smaller pieces of limited scope with example data that we can try ourselves.

Take a look at the reprex package (reprex = reproducible example). If you've never heard of a reprex before, start by reading "What is a reprex", and follow the advice further down that page.

This also seems like a partial duplicate of the previous question, probably lowering the chances that someone will engage.

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