
I used R-studio to merge WoS and scopus data. Everything was fine and the merged file was handly to use. Then, because of a reason there was a need to change my laptop. Now, I have a new laptop with almost all data recovered and trying to use the same command to merge WoS and scopus data but getting the error message.

Code entered: web_data<-convert2df(".txt")

Error message: Error in file(con, "r") : cannot open the connection

Do you have a file called ".txt" in your directory? That seems unlikely. You should be using the file name.

When I am trying to import the file (WoS.txt) instead of using convert2df function, the message appears as
Line 1 did not have 3 elements
Our object is to convert WoS/Scopus data into data frame for further analysis.
Same error is happening when I am using the command scopus_data<-convert2df(".bib", dbsource = "scopus", format = "bibtex")

I am using this command for converting scopus data into dataframe for further analysis

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