Function call processing


I am looking for information about how to make a function aware of its own call.

Let's say I have a function called myf that takes 2 arguments: x and y
myf <- function(x, y) { #some code }.

How can I know within the function:
1- if x and y were assigned to objects or values ?
For example myf( x = a, y = b ) versus myf( x = 1:5, y = data.frame(a = 1, b=2) ),
2- what are the name of the objects passed to x and y if they were assigned to existing objects?
For example myf( x = a, y = b ), I would like to know that x was assigned to a object called "a" and y to an objected called "b"

Thank you

I think you're looking for substitute(), or, for a tidyverse version, the quotation methods described here:

myf <- function(x, y) {
  message("x: ", substitute(x))
  message("y: ", substitute(y))

a <- "5"
#> x: a
#> y: 6

myf( x = a, y = b ) 
#> x: a
#> y: b

myf( x = 1:5, y = data.frame(a = 1, b=2) )
#> x: :15
#> y: data.frame12

Created on 2025-03-20 with reprex v2.1.1

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Thanks @AlexisW

I think I need to combine substitute and deparse to get the name of the objects passed to the function.

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