From crosstab 2x2 or 3x3 table to normal flat table

Hi, I have a question how to make a "normal" table from crosstab 2x2 or 3x3 contingency table ?
I mean I do not want summary table but a table with individual values.


It is not immediately clear how you want us to help. It always helps to add a reprex (see here: FAQ: How to do a minimal reproducible example ( reprex ) for beginners ).

You will see below that I have created a base R way and melt way to take a table and convert it into a list of values. Let me know if this is what you wanted?

# load table     
crosstable <- structure(list(col1 = c(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), col2 = c(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), col3 = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), col4 = c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), col5 = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), col6 = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0), col7 = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), col8 = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)), .Names = c("col1", "col2", "col3", "col4", "col5", "col6", "col7", "col8"), row.names = c("row1", "row2", "row3", "row4", "row5", "row6", "row7", "row8", "row9"), class = "data.frame")

#display table
#>      col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 col6 col7 col8
#> row1    0    0    0    1    0    0    0    0
#> row2    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0
#> row3    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
#> row4    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
#> row5    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    0
#> row6    0    0    0    0    0    1    0    0
#> row7    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1
#> row8    0    0    0    0    1    0    0    0
#> row9    0    0    1    0    0    0    0    0

CTLong <- data.frame(rows = rownames(crosstable), stack(crosstable))
CTLong <- CTLong[order(CTLong$rows), ]

#>    rows values  ind
#> 1  row1      0 col1
#> 10 row1      0 col2
#> 19 row1      0 col3
#> 28 row1      1 col4
#> 37 row1      0 col5
#> 46 row1      0 col6
#> 55 row1      0 col7
#> 64 row1      0 col8
#> 2  row2      0 col1
#> 11 row2      1 col2
#> 20 row2      0 col3
#> 29 row2      0 col4
#> 38 row2      0 col5
#> 47 row2      0 col6
#> 56 row2      0 col7
#> 65 row2      0 col8
#> 3  row3      1 col1
#> 12 row3      0 col2
#> 21 row3      0 col3
#> 30 row3      0 col4
#> 39 row3      0 col5
#> 48 row3      0 col6
#> 57 row3      0 col7
#> 66 row3      0 col8
#> 4  row4      0 col1
#> 13 row4      0 col2
#> 22 row4      0 col3
#> 31 row4      0 col4
#> 40 row4      0 col5
#> 49 row4      0 col6
#> 58 row4      0 col7
#> 67 row4      0 col8
#> 5  row5      0 col1
#> 14 row5      0 col2
#> 23 row5      0 col3
#> 32 row5      0 col4
#> 41 row5      0 col5
#> 50 row5      0 col6
#> 59 row5      1 col7
#> 68 row5      0 col8
#> 6  row6      0 col1
#> 15 row6      0 col2
#> 24 row6      0 col3
#> 33 row6      0 col4
#> 42 row6      0 col5
#> 51 row6      1 col6
#> 60 row6      0 col7
#> 69 row6      0 col8
#> 7  row7      0 col1
#> 16 row7      0 col2
#> 25 row7      0 col3
#> 34 row7      0 col4
#> 43 row7      0 col5
#> 52 row7      0 col6
#> 61 row7      0 col7
#> 70 row7      1 col8
#> 8  row8      0 col1
#> 17 row8      0 col2
#> 26 row8      0 col3
#> 35 row8      0 col4
#> 44 row8      1 col5
#> 53 row8      0 col6
#> 62 row8      0 col7
#> 71 row8      0 col8
#> 9  row9      0 col1
#> 18 row9      0 col2
#> 27 row9      1 col3
#> 36 row9      0 col4
#> 45 row9      0 col5
#> 54 row9      0 col6
#> 63 row9      0 col7
#> 72 row9      0 col8

CTLong2 <- melt(cbind(rownames(crosstable),crosstable))
#> Using rownames(crosstable) as id variables

#>    rownames(crosstable) variable value
#> 1                  row1     col1     0
#> 2                  row2     col1     0
#> 3                  row3     col1     1
#> 4                  row4     col1     0
#> 5                  row5     col1     0
#> 6                  row6     col1     0
#> 7                  row7     col1     0
#> 8                  row8     col1     0
#> 9                  row9     col1     0
#> 10                 row1     col2     0
#> 11                 row2     col2     1
#> 12                 row3     col2     0
#> 13                 row4     col2     0
#> 14                 row5     col2     0
#> 15                 row6     col2     0
#> 16                 row7     col2     0
#> 17                 row8     col2     0
#> 18                 row9     col2     0
#> 19                 row1     col3     0
#> 20                 row2     col3     0
#> 21                 row3     col3     0
#> 22                 row4     col3     0
#> 23                 row5     col3     0
#> 24                 row6     col3     0
#> 25                 row7     col3     0
#> 26                 row8     col3     0
#> 27                 row9     col3     1
#> 28                 row1     col4     1
#> 29                 row2     col4     0
#> 30                 row3     col4     0
#> 31                 row4     col4     0
#> 32                 row5     col4     0
#> 33                 row6     col4     0
#> 34                 row7     col4     0
#> 35                 row8     col4     0
#> 36                 row9     col4     0
#> 37                 row1     col5     0
#> 38                 row2     col5     0
#> 39                 row3     col5     0
#> 40                 row4     col5     0
#> 41                 row5     col5     0
#> 42                 row6     col5     0
#> 43                 row7     col5     0
#> 44                 row8     col5     1
#> 45                 row9     col5     0
#> 46                 row1     col6     0
#> 47                 row2     col6     0
#> 48                 row3     col6     0
#> 49                 row4     col6     0
#> 50                 row5     col6     0
#> 51                 row6     col6     1
#> 52                 row7     col6     0
#> 53                 row8     col6     0
#> 54                 row9     col6     0
#> 55                 row1     col7     0
#> 56                 row2     col7     0
#> 57                 row3     col7     0
#> 58                 row4     col7     0
#> 59                 row5     col7     1
#> 60                 row6     col7     0
#> 61                 row7     col7     0
#> 62                 row8     col7     0
#> 63                 row9     col7     0
#> 64                 row1     col8     0
#> 65                 row2     col8     0
#> 66                 row3     col8     0
#> 67                 row4     col8     0
#> 68                 row5     col8     0
#> 69                 row6     col8     0
#> 70                 row7     col8     1
#> 71                 row8     col8     0
#> 72                 row9     col8     0

Created on 2021-11-07 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)

Thank you, this is probably not what I want, I would like to achieve this:

my_datas2 <-  tribble(~Answers, ~Group_1, ~Group_2,
                 'A', 8, 4,
                 'B', 6, 7,
                 'C', 8, 9)

my_datas3 <- tribble(~Answers, ~Group, ~Values,
"A",  "Group_1",    8,
"B",  "Group_1",    6,
"C",  "Group_1",    8,
"A",  "Group_2",    4,
"B",  "Group_2",    7,
"C",  "Group_2",    9)

desired result:

and so on with replies B and C continuing down in the table for Group 2 as well.

additionally if you could help me with transforming my_datas2 to my_datas3 as here I have done it manually by re-writing it. Maybe there is a code for that. Thank you.

Here's a tidyr based solution:

my_datas2 <- tibble::tribble(~Answers, ~Group_1, ~Group_2,
                             'A', 8, 4,
                             'B', 6, 7,
                             'C', 8, 9)

tidyr::pivot_longer(data = my_datas2,
                    cols = -Answers,
                    names_to = "Group",
                    values_to = "Values")
#> # A tibble: 6 × 3
#>   Answers Group   Values
#>   <chr>   <chr>    <dbl>
#> 1 A       Group_1      8
#> 2 A       Group_2      4
#> 3 B       Group_1      6
#> 4 B       Group_2      7
#> 5 C       Group_1      8
#> 6 C       Group_2      9

Hope this helps.

1 Like

Hi there,

See my example below to take yourmy_datas2 and converting it into the desired result. You can just do some text clean up on the Group column but I kept as is so you can see it is working. Definitely have a look at how @Yarnabrina did the pivot_longer it is smiliar to gather but I think that is the current correct/most recent way of doing it.

#> Warning: package 'tibble' was built under R version 4.0.5
#> Warning: package 'tidyr' was built under R version 4.0.5

#creating your data
my_datas2 <- tibble(
  answers = c("A","B","C"),
  group_1 = c(8,6,8),
  group_2 = c(4,7,9)

#> # A tibble: 3 x 3
#>   answers group_1 group_2
#>   <chr>     <dbl>   <dbl>
#> 1 A             8       4
#> 2 B             6       7
#> 3 C             8       9

#converting your data from wide to long
dat <- 
  my_datas2 %>% gather("my_datas2", "value", -answers)

#> # A tibble: 6 x 3
#>   answers my_datas2 value
#>   <chr>   <chr>     <dbl>
#> 1 A       group_1       8
#> 2 B       group_1       6
#> 3 C       group_1       8
#> 4 A       group_2       4
#> 5 B       group_2       7
#> 6 C       group_2       9

#creating the repition based on the original cell values 
test <- data.frame(
  Answers ="c", (mapply(rep, dat$answers, dat$value))),
  Group ="c", (mapply(rep, dat$my_datas2, dat$value)))

#>    Answers   Group
#> 1        A group_1
#> 2        A group_1
#> 3        A group_1
#> 4        A group_1
#> 5        A group_1
#> 6        A group_1
#> 7        A group_1
#> 8        A group_1
#> 9        B group_1
#> 10       B group_1
#> 11       B group_1
#> 12       B group_1
#> 13       B group_1
#> 14       B group_1
#> 15       C group_1
#> 16       C group_1
#> 17       C group_1
#> 18       C group_1
#> 19       C group_1
#> 20       C group_1
#> 21       C group_1
#> 22       C group_1
#> 23       A group_2
#> 24       A group_2
#> 25       A group_2
#> 26       A group_2
#> 27       B group_2
#> 28       B group_2
#> 29       B group_2
#> 30       B group_2
#> 31       B group_2
#> 32       B group_2
#> 33       B group_2
#> 34       C group_2
#> 35       C group_2
#> 36       C group_2
#> 37       C group_2
#> 38       C group_2
#> 39       C group_2
#> 40       C group_2
#> 41       C group_2
#> 42       C group_2

Created on 2021-11-07 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)

Thank you @Yarnabrina for your kind reply and thank you @GreyMerchant for your fantastic solution,
This is what I wanted.

Could you please explain a bit what does this code do:

test <- data.frame(
  Answers ="c", (mapply(rep, dat$answers, dat$value))),
  Group ="c", (mapply(rep, dat$my_datas2, dat$value)))

Based on @GreyMerchant's answer and it's acceptance by @Andrzej, I clearly misunderstood the requirement. In that case, please feel free to point that out, liking a wrong reply creates possible confusion for future visitors.

Anyway, I'll let @GreyMerchant explain his solution. Here are two more solutions, one's continuing my prevous reply, and one's a modification of @GreyMerchant's use to make it a bit short:

my_datas2 <- tibble::tribble(~Answers, ~Group_1, ~Group_2,
                             'A', 8, 4,
                             'B', 6, 7,
                             'C', 8, 9)

# continuing previous solution
my_datas2 |>
    tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = -Answers,
                        names_to = "Group",
                        values_to = "Values") |>
    tidyr::uncount(weights = Values,
                   .remove = TRUE) |>
#>    Answers   Group
#> 1        A Group_1
#> 2        A Group_1
#> 3        A Group_1
#> 4        A Group_1
#> 5        A Group_1
#> 6        A Group_1
#> 7        A Group_1
#> 8        A Group_1
#> 9        A Group_2
#> 10       A Group_2
#> 11       A Group_2
#> 12       A Group_2
#> 13       B Group_1
#> 14       B Group_1
#> 15       B Group_1
#> 16       B Group_1
#> 17       B Group_1
#> 18       B Group_1
#> 19       B Group_2
#> 20       B Group_2
#> 21       B Group_2
#> 22       B Group_2
#> 23       B Group_2
#> 24       B Group_2
#> 25       B Group_2
#> 26       C Group_1
#> 27       C Group_1
#> 28       C Group_1
#> 29       C Group_1
#> 30       C Group_1
#> 31       C Group_1
#> 32       C Group_1
#> 33       C Group_1
#> 34       C Group_2
#> 35       C Group_2
#> 36       C Group_2
#> 37       C Group_2
#> 38       C Group_2
#> 39       C Group_2
#> 40       C Group_2
#> 41       C Group_2
#> 42       C Group_2

# modifying GreyMerchant's solution

my_datas2 %>%
    tidyr::gather(key = "key",
                  value = "value",
                  -Answers) %$%
    data.frame(Answers = rep(Answers, value),
               Group = rep(key, value))
#>    Answers   Group
#> 1        A Group_1
#> 2        A Group_1
#> 3        A Group_1
#> 4        A Group_1
#> 5        A Group_1
#> 6        A Group_1
#> 7        A Group_1
#> 8        A Group_1
#> 9        B Group_1
#> 10       B Group_1
#> 11       B Group_1
#> 12       B Group_1
#> 13       B Group_1
#> 14       B Group_1
#> 15       C Group_1
#> 16       C Group_1
#> 17       C Group_1
#> 18       C Group_1
#> 19       C Group_1
#> 20       C Group_1
#> 21       C Group_1
#> 22       C Group_1
#> 23       A Group_2
#> 24       A Group_2
#> 25       A Group_2
#> 26       A Group_2
#> 27       B Group_2
#> 28       B Group_2
#> 29       B Group_2
#> 30       B Group_2
#> 31       B Group_2
#> 32       B Group_2
#> 33       B Group_2
#> 34       C Group_2
#> 35       C Group_2
#> 36       C Group_2
#> 37       C Group_2
#> 38       C Group_2
#> 39       C Group_2
#> 40       C Group_2
#> 41       C Group_2
#> 42       C Group_2
1 Like

Thank you @Yarnabrina, I think everything is all right as I asked here before:

and you provided the solution to it. Additionally you provided another solutions which I am grateful for because I have learnt a lot today.
best regards,

Glad this worked for you :slight_smile: So is a really helpful function. You're able to provide it with a function and then you can give it a list and essentially it will repeat that function for the set and return it. You can see in this simple example below that combined2 does the rbind calls once for all three sets that were in a list instead of combining them separate.

one <- sample(c(1:10),10)
two <- sample(c(20:30),10)
three <- sample(c(40:50),10)

combined1 <- rbind(one,two,three)
#>       [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
#> one      6    2    4    9   10    1    8    3    7     5
#> two     27   23   28   20   21   22   24   29   26    30
#> three   40   42   49   41   44   43   47   45   46    50

combination <- list(one, two, three)

combined2 <-,combination)
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
#> [1,]    6    2    4    9   10    1    8    3    7     5
#> [2,]   27   23   28   20   21   22   24   29   26    30
#> [3,]   40   42   49   41   44   43   47   45   46    50

Created on 2021-11-07 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)

mapply(rep,dat$answers,dat$value) Is slightly different. It is taking a function rep and then doing that function for each pair of values found within the two vectors. So it is taking answers and then seeing how many times it needs to repeat it for value and then this process repeats for the next pair of values found in answers and value

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